
guó jiā zhì shàng
  • National interest comes above everything else
国家至上[guó jiā zhì shàng]
  1. 现实主义传统中的国家至上原则现实主义模式认为,中国外交战略的选择源于中国对利益得失的权衡。

    Raison D ' é tat Principle in Realist Tradition Realist Model argues that China 's foreign policy stem from calculation of loss-benefit .

  2. “国家至上”,作为近代欧洲的一种现实主义外交原则,形成于17世纪的法国。

    Raison D ' é tat , as a realist foreign relations principle in modern Europe , was formed in France in the17th century .

  3. 分别从浓郁的时代精神和国家至上的情怀、自觉的反思意识和宁鸣而死的批判精神、对人的关注三方面,通过对具体作品的艺术分析和解读,把握大后方话剧的独特魅力。

    Separately from the time spirit and strong " national first " feelings , self-conscious introspection consciousness and " die for sound " critical spirit , the attention of " person " three aspects , grasp the rear area dramas ' unique charm through analyzing and interpreting specific works .

  4. 社会建设目标和任务的提出,标志着中国将告别以往国家至上的思维模式,开启以公民权利和社会权利为中心的整体性社会建设的新时代。

    The goal and task of social construction in the new era means Chinese government will change the thinking mode of state uppermost , and go into the whole society construction and government reformation which center on civil rights and social rights , a new reform is brewing and advancing .

  5. 国家主权至上原则取代了教会日渐式微的超国家权威。

      The   doctrine   of state sovereignty replaced the waning supranational authority of the church .

  6. 国家利益至上是教育输出国和输入国国际教育政策的普遍原则。

    National interest is the highest principle for international education policy , no matter it 's in education export countries or education import countries .

  7. 他的外交实践,促进了民族国家利益至上、天然疆界与势力均衡等一些具有近代意义的国际关系惯例和准则的强化与确立,对于近代国际社会的营建及发挥功能做出了重要贡献。

    His diplomatic practice boosted the consolidation of a series of modern routines and rules of international relations and contributed greatly to the formation of modern international community .

  8. 购买名牌商品已经成为许多旅游新军旅行活动的重点。他们将此视为感受发达国家用户至上主义的途径,还可以向家里的亲朋好友展示:他们确实出过国了。

    For many newbie travelers , buying brand-name goods has become a central point of tourism , a way to participate in developed world consumerism and show the folks back home they 've indeed been abroad .

  9. 多数大学生都拥有国家利益至上、社会责任感强和个人乐于奉献等优秀主流的价值观,但是也有少数大学生把实用主义和物质利益至上思想等作为自己的价值观。

    Most of college students have mainline values , such as national interest first , improved sense of social responsibility and be glad to dedicate . However , a small number of college students regard pragmatism and material interest as their values .

  10. 但我个人的理论是:一个国家的男性至上主义越严重,其出生率就越低。

    I have a personal theory , though : the more sexist the country , the lower the birthrate .

  11. 儒家荣辱观以追求成仁取义为价值取向,是以群体为本位,强调国家民族利益的至上性。

    Confucian view of honor and disgrace , guided by benevolence and loyalty , focuses on collectivity and emphasizes on the supremacy of nation 's interests .

  12. 接着,本文选取英国、大陆法系国家和美国宪法至上的模式进行了比较,并尝试从宪法文本、宪法保障机制和政治传统的角度对它们各自的特点进行总结。

    Then the thesis take Britain , the continental legal-system countries and USA for instance ; compare their constitutional law , the constitution protection and their political tradition pattern of constitutional supremacy , in order to summarize their characteristics .

  13. 从人性论开始,说明了因此而产生的自然权利,随即形成的自然状态,以及最后形成的国家,揭示了霍布斯国家主权至上的核心理念。

    Started from the theory of human nature , the natural rights , natural state and finally country are occured consequently , which reveals core of Hobbes ' thoughts : state sovereignty has the most priority .

  14. 维护国家主权、民族利益,国家利益至上的根本性原则;

    Sustaining national sovereignty and profit , the supreme of nation profit is radical principle ;

  15. 一些国家特别是西方国家的军队,不仅依靠优厚的物质待遇,较好的福利保障来维系军队的士气,也很重视部队的政治教育:进行国家观念教育,培养军人的国家利益至上的观念;

    Some foreign armies , especially in western countries , usually use munificent substantial treatment and better welfare guarantee to keep the troops in high moral , meanwhile they pay much attention to serviceman 's political education .

  16. 在国家与市场的政治经济安排上,现实主义主张政治决定经济,权力统制市场,市场经济服从和服务于国家权力的需要,现实主义者追求国家利益最大化,其基本价值观是国家权力至上。

    Realists propose that politics decides economy and power dominates market . Their goal is to pursue maximization of national interests , and their basic value is supremacy of sovereignty .