
  • 网络Hans Christian Andersen Award;International Hans Christian Andersen Award
  1. 上个月,他成为首位获得国际安徒生奖(HansChristianAndersenAward)的中国作家。他与德国插画家罗特劳特·苏珊·贝尔纳(RotrautSusanneBerner)分享了这一奖项。该奖被认为是最著名的国际儿童文学奖,每两年颁发一次。

    Last month , he became the first Chinese author to receive the Hans Christian Andersen Award , regarded as the most distinguished international honor for children 's literature . He shared the prize , handed out every other year , with the German illustrator Rotraut Susanne Berner .

  2. 2016年国际安徒生奖提名在今年3月份由国际儿童图书评议会公布,共有28位作家和29位插画家入围。

    For the 2016 award , 28 authors and 29 illustrators were nominated by IBBY in March .

  3. 在本周一的意大利博洛尼亚童书展上,中国儿童文学作家曹文轩获得了2016年国际安徒生奖。

    Chinese children 's fiction writer Cao Wenxuan on Monday won the Hans Christian Andersen Prize 2016 at the Bologna Children 's Book Fair in Italy .

  4. 曹文轩是第一位入围并获得国际安徒生奖的中国作家。该奖项是对童书作家和插画师的最高国际认可。

    Cao was the first Chinese writer to ever win and be shortlisted in the Hans Christian Andersen Prize , which is the highest international recognition given to an author and an illustrator of children 's books .

  5. 一生只能获得一次的国际安徒生奖的选择标准包括:文学创作的美学与文学性、从孩子的角度看事物的能力以及孩子的好奇心和想象力的延伸能力。

    The selection criteria for the Hans Christian Andersen Prize , which can be awarded only once in life , include the aesthetic and literary qualities of writing and illustrating as well as the ability to see things from the child 's point of view and the ability to stretch the child 's curiosity and imagination .