
  1. 两汉国家祭祀制度研究

    A Study on the State Sacrificial Rites in Han Dynasties

  2. 中国近代国家祭祀的历史考察

    The Historical Perspective in Sacrifices of Modern China

  3. 再次,在国家祭祀体系中,佛、道二教与民间神祠的地位也开始逐步接近。

    In the state ritual system , Buddhism and Taoism got close to folk cults in position .

  4. 这些特性对理解明朝国家祭祀体系的政治文化寓意都是重要的。

    These characteristics are important to comprehend the connotation of the political culture in the state sacrificial system of the Ming dynasty .

  5. 对淮河的祭祀属国家祭祀,在整个国家祭祀体系中被列为中祀。

    The sacrifice of Huai river is of national sacrifices . In the whole system of national sacrifices it is the intermediate sacrifice .

  6. 伏波信仰是国家祭祀与地方秩序构建互动中的代表。

    The Fubo faith is one of the typical representatives of the interaction between national sacrifices and the construction of local public order .

  7. 它深深植根于中国文化与文明的源头之中,植根于礼仪文化传统之中,特别是其核心国家祭祀系统&国家宗教之中。

    It rooted deeply in the source of Chinese culture and its tradition , especially in state religion & its core national fete system .

  8. 明代国家祭祀对象的构成及其变化表明,该体系具有宗教、文化、政治、社会等多重寓意。

    Based upon an examination of the early Ming state worship objectives and the later changes , this article argues that this system carries profound religious , cultural , political , and social implications .

  9. 朝廷通过对神祠授予庙额、封号,将地方祠祀纳入国家祭祀体系主要是基于加强对民间信仰的管理、维护国家政治统治的目的。

    For the purpose of strengthening the management of folk belies and safeguarding national political rule , the feudal state incorporated the local cults in the national religion by conferring some titles on temples .

  10. 国家祭祀体系与民间信仰和祭祀活动形成复杂关系,这是理解明代国家与社会关系的一个重要视角。

    There were complex relations between the state sacrificial system and the folk believes . This is an important point of view to comprehend the relationship between the state and the society of the Ming Dynasty .

  11. 国之大事,在祀与戎。北岳祭祀作为我国传统国家祭祀文化的重要组成部分,由来已久、历代因之。

    " Affairs of state , worship and military matters . " The Northern ritual , as an important part of the ritual culture of China , has last for a long time and every dynasty follows .

  12. 在先秦时代,“桑林”是殷商及周代宋国的国家祭祀场所,有时也是殷商或宋国祖社的代称。

    In the age before Qin Dynasty , Sanglin or the Wood of Mulberry was the place where the national sacrifices were offered by the Yin State and the Song , the state of Yin 's descendants .

  13. 明确的神主人格化崇拜其宗教形式当在秦汉时期,特点为礼制较为健全,国家祭祀体系中神主已经明确的转向对祖先的崇拜。

    Clear concept personified the religious worship in Qin and Han dynasties form , Characteristics as the etiquette system is more perfect , National sacrifices system has made it clear to the gods to the worship of ancestors .

  14. 古代中国属于典型的农业社会,天命信仰、祖先崇拜几乎是农业社会里人们的共同价值观,而以此为主要内容的古代国家祭祀成为了人们共同价值观的象征。

    Ancient Chinese society belongs to typical agricultural type , in which the fatality belief and ancestor adoration are shared value . The ancient Chinese state sacrifice , which regards shared value as main content , becomes its symbol .

  15. 但是,淮渎祭祀虽属国家祭祀,地点却在州县,是国家观念与地域社会的重要结合点,是研究国家与地方社会的一个很好的切入点。

    Although the sacrifice of Huai is of national sacrifices , the sacrificing places were in county and state , which is the important juncture of national concept and regional society and a good point to study state and local society .

  16. 中国是一个农以为本的国家,民间祭祀着不少与农事相关的神灵,虫王便是其中之一。

    China is a agriculture country basically , the folk worshipped many God of connect with agriculture , one of is Insect God .

  17. 这个过程有四个阶段:先是从北宋开始,地方官员在本地推行国家的正统祭祀礼仪;

    In the first stage , from the end of the Northern Song , local officials established a vested interest in the implementation of sanctioned rituals .

  18. 明清时期,在国家与民间的互动中,部分小祀对象从民间选择、上升,列入国家祭祀。

    Ming and Qing Dynasties , in the interaction of the state and the private sector , the object of xiao si from civil select , rising , included in the national sacrifice .