
  • 网络covert operations;Stealth
  1. 快速反应,秘密行动以及精确打击替代了大规模作战。

    Speed , stealth and accuracy would substitute for mass .

  2. 蛇总是秘密行动,迅速而强悍。

    Snakes live by stealth , speed and sheer power .

  3. 在昨天的一次秘密行动中她从监狱获释。

    She was released from prison in a cloak and dagger operation yesterday

  4. 别参与他们的秘密行动。

    Don 't get mixed up in their secret deed .

  5. 秘密行动遭人卖底。

    The secret operation was deliberately leaked .

  6. 他们的邻居斯坦•毕曼(诺亚•艾默里奇饰)正是FBI(联邦调查局)反情报秘密行动探员,专门负责揭露外国间谍。

    Their neighbor , Stan Beeman ( Naoh Emmerich ) , happens to be an FBI counterintelligence agent who is trying to unmask foreign spies .

  7. 他要进行一次非常危险的秘密行动。

    He 's about to go undercover in a high-risk operation .

  8. 一起秘密行动以达到欺骗或非法目的的。

    Acting together in secret toward a fraudulent or illegal end .

  9. 还可采取进一步的秘密行动帮助反对派。

    Further covert moves could be made to help the opposition .

  10. 她是中央情报局秘密行动的负责人。

    She is the director of clandestine operations of the CIA .

  11. 不幸的是,不再需要秘密行动了。

    Sadly , the cloak and dagger stuff is no longer necessary .

  12. 他投降之前都要秘密行动。

    So we go in stealth without a surrender announcement .

  13. 约定是你要秘密行动。

    The deal was that you stay under the radar .

  14. 头衔:中央情报局国家秘密行动处情报负责人

    Title : National Clandestine Service case officer at the CIA

  15. 他回到了总部,负责秘密行动

    back to the main desk - clandestine operations .

  16. 好吧,这样不像秘密行动了,不过也管用。

    Okay , it 's not as stealth , but it works too .

  17. 授权进行秘密行动计划的总统文件。

    A presidential finding that authorized the covert operation .

  18. 稍等,这是一个秘密行动,是不是?

    Wait a minute , this is black ops , isn 't it ?

  19. 这些军官们相信,只有通过秘密行动,他们才能利用敌人的弱点。

    Only through stealth , the officers believe , can they exploit enemy weaknesses .

  20. 好吧,我要进行一次秘密行动,而且很重要的。

    Okay , I was going for stealth , and also it 's slimming .

  21. 被称为“组织”的秘密行动组如今已变得不听将令

    They are called Divison , a black-ops program that has now gone rogue .

  22. 秘密行动时你要隐藏好自己的每一部分包括身体和情感

    When going stealth , you gotta hide every part of you physically and emotionally

  23. 政府的秘密行动组之类的

    Some kind of government black ops unit ?

  24. 你参与了最近在阿富汗的秘密行动。

    Of recent clandestine operations in afghanistan .

  25. 他们是被称为“组织”的秘密行动组如今已变得不听将令

    They 're called Division , a black ops program that has now gone rogue .

  26. 轰炸柬埔寨和在智利的秘密行动也被拿来试问。

    The bombing of Cambodia or covert operations in Chile were thrown into the cauldron .

  27. 不准承认在执行秘密行动。

    Do not admit to clandestine ops .

  28. 名为“组织”的秘密行动组

    A black ops program called Division

  29. 他会讲几种语言,包括阿拉伯语,他被委派负责国家安全的秘密行动,危险的。

    He speaks many languages including arabic , so he was assigned to dangerous covert operations .

  30. 你的秘密行动进展如何

    How were your secret errands ?