
  • 网络The Secret Agent;Secret Service
  1. 英国秘密特工,你们都被捕了。

    British secret service , and you are all under arrest .

  2. 她和一个陌生人跑了.你说他是秘密特工.

    She ran off with a stranger . You said he was Secret Service .

  3. 阿诺德·施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)在派拉蒙的《终结者:创世纪》(TerminatorGenisys)中表现不佳;怀旧情绪也未能令华纳兄弟的《秘密特工》(TheManfromU.N.C.L.E.)和《假期历险记》(Vacation)走红。

    Arnold Schwarzenegger sagged in " Terminator Genisys , " from Paramount , and nostalgia couldn 't make hits of Warner 's " The Man from U.N.C.L.E. " and " Vacation . "

  4. 你手上有世界一流的秘密特工组织

    You 're running the world 's greatest covert security network

  5. 结果是,那个秘密特工是她男朋友。

    Turns out , that secret seyice agent is herboyfriend .

  6. 我在英国的时候是一个秘密特工。

    I worked as a secret agent in england .

  7. 您不去去当秘密特工真是可惜了。

    It 's such a pity that you are not a secret agent .

  8. 我以为你们要用秘密特工来代替他。

    I thought you were gonna be replacing him with an undercover operative .

  9. 弗莱彻并不是中情局的秘密特工

    Fletcher is not under covert status with the agency

  10. 秘密特工打入了高层政界。

    Secret agents penetrated into high government circles .

  11. 好像有雪茄的味道她不知道他是秘密特工

    It smells like wet cigars . She does not know he 's Secret Service .

  12. 当秘密特工们需要高科技产品时。

    When black ops needs technology .

  13. 我当然会告诉你.我以为你说他是秘密特工的.

    Of course I 'd tell you . I thought you said he was Secret Service .

  14. 政府还承诺奥运期间会有大规模现场保安人员,其中可能包括乔装为志愿者的秘密特工。

    It has also promised a massive security presence at the games , which may include undercover agents dressed as volunteers .

  15. 另一位前秘密特工克里斯托弗.法尔肯伯格说,贴身保卫必须跟有关潜在威胁的准确情报相配合。

    Another ex-Secret Service agent , Christopher Falkenberg , says personal protection has to be accompanied by good intelligence on potential threats .

  16. 该情报署的小分队秘密特工们都生怀绝技,他们的使命是拯救美国,乃至世界。

    Members from a small team of secret agents of the IMF all carry special skills to salvage the US and even the world .

  17. 安:不对,你给我说《秘密特工》的时候可不是这个样子的,你当时是这样的。

    Ann : No. That 's not what you looked like when you were telling me about the Man from U.N.C.L.E. You looked like this .

  18. 但是司法部表示,他向一名记者透露了参与审讯程序的某秘密特工的名字,而这个行为违反了法律。

    But the Justice Department says he ran afoul of the law by sharing with a reporter the name of an undercover operative involved in a detainee interrogation program .

  19. 《无暇赴死》将是丹尼尔·克雷格最后一次出演英国秘密特工邦德,该片原定上映时间是4月3日。

    No Time To Die , which is due to be Daniel Craig 's final appearance as the British secret service agent , had been due for release on April 3 .

  20. 他是一个非常非常英俊的家伙,不太高,但是很英俊。他在这部电影里扮演了一个秘密特工,你知道我正在说的是哪部电影吗?

    He 's very very handsome guy , kind of short but handsome and he plays a secret agent in this movie , do you know which one I 'm talking about .

  21. 当战地记者偶然遇见了一位秘密特工时,他发现了一件超乎自然的事情:这位特工自称是一个利用精神力量执行杀人任务的组织的成员。

    A reporter ( McGregor ) finds an incredible story when hestumbles upon a special ops agent ( Clooney ) who claims to be partof a unit that uses psychic powers in missions .

  22. 在007系列《来自俄罗斯的爱》中,作者伊恩弗莱明曾这样谈论秘密特工007:只要是将领带打成温莎结(一种宽边对称三角结)的人,一律无法获得邦德的信任。

    In From Russia with Love , author Ian Fleming says of secret agent 007 : Bond mistrusted anyone who tied his tie with a Windsor knot ( a wide symmetrical triangular knot ) .

  23. 早期的证据领导小组怀疑秘密特工是在工作,他们的理论支持时,液化一名中央情报局特工仍然是在一辆汽车的行李箱中发现。

    Early evidence leads the team to suspect secret operatives are at work , and their theories are supported when the liquefied remains of a CIA agent are discovered in the trunk of a car .

  24. 前秘密特工乔.拉索尔萨曾做过里根总统的随身警卫。他说,政治人物不喜欢待在一个所谓的“安全气泡”里,因为他们觉得那样就把他们跟选民隔开了。

    Former Secret Service agent Joe LaSorsa , who served on the detail protecting President Ronald Reagan , says politicians do not like living in a so-called " security bubble " because they feel that cuts them off from voters .

  25. 向敌人领土秘密遣送特工人员。

    Running agents into enemy territory .

  26. 当从事秘密活动的特工人员到约会地点去的时候,他们知道很可能正走进一个圈套。

    When the undercover agents went to the rendezvous , they did so knowing it might be a trap .

  27. 一旦在现场的秘密情报局特工报告确认说武器交易即将开始,罗巴克上将就下令皇家海军切斯特号军舰驶入安曼湾巡逻。

    Once news from MIA 's man in the field reached them that the weapons exchange would indeed take place , Admiral Roebuck ordered H.M.S.Chestier to patrol the Gulf of Oman .

  28. 我知道的是,公布她的身份是错误的,因为这种行为出于政治目的而损害了一位从事秘密情报工作的特工的有效性。

    I do know that it was wrong to reveal her identity because it compromised the effectiveness of a covert official for political reasons .

  29. 那么幕后有着什么秘密?从往届特工管理层的口中透露的总统奇闻轶事也许能使人们得以一瞥特工们和政客们的真实生活。

    So what are the secrets behind the scenes ? Revealing anecdotes from administrations past gives us a peek at the real life of both the agents and the politicians .