
  • 网络Undercover investigation;secret investigation;covert investigations
  1. 又一次秘密调查,或者有人给我。

    Another secret investigation or one where I 'm given .

  2. 秘密调查已抓获90名涉嫌欺诈盗窃的职员。

    Secret investigations have netted ninety staff suspected of fraud and theft

  3. 在一次重大的秘密调查行动中,警察从伦敦就盯上了那帮匪徒。

    Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry

  4. 安娜想办法联系到了Vera的朋友,并打算继续她对于Vera自杀的秘密调查。

    Anna has managed to get in contact with friend of Veras and plans to visit her to continue her private investigations into Veras suspected suicide .

  5. 他雇佣世界各地情报机构的前特工,比如以色列的摩萨德(Mossad)和俄罗斯的克格勃(KGB),帮助他在俄罗斯、乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦开展秘密调查。

    He employs former agents from intelligence agencies around the world , including the Mossad in Israel and the K.G.B. in Russia , to help him conduct cloak-and-dagger investigations in places like Russia , Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan .

  6. 也许你可以借此展开秘密调查

    Maybe you can use this to launch a quiet investigation .

  7. 你是在为眼镜蛇行动做秘密调查吗

    You 're undercover aren 't you for Operation Cobra ?

  8. (非正式)秘密调查其他警察的警官。

    ( informal ) an undercover police officer who investigates other policemen .

  9. 如果他不想让部下秘密调查。

    If he didn 't want the kid undercover .

  10. 不亨利这不是秘密调查

    No Henry I 'm not undercover .

  11. 于是,在本来通过公开调查可以见效得多的问题,我们选择了进行秘密调查的方式。

    We opted for secret inquiries , where overt ones would have been for more productive .

  12. 秘密调查组称,没有任何书面凭据能够证明会计部经理的说辞。

    The confidential inquiry said there was no documentary evidence to prove the manager 's claim .

  13. 在2008年南加州博物馆遭突击检查,联邦秘密调查历时5年后这些艺术品才被找回。

    The collection was found during a raid on a Southern California museum in 2008 after a five year , undercover federal investigation .

  14. 中国劳工观察在经过早期的秘密调查后,曾于2013年4月私下里向苹果提出了对宿迁工厂条件的担忧。

    China Labor Watch privately raised concerns about conditions at the Suqian plant with Apple in April 2013 , after an earlier undercover investigation .

  15. 2000年,在警方、侦探、泰·沃纳公司安保人员的联合秘密调查下,两个伪造比尼娃娃的人在伊利诺斯州的威洛布鲁克宴会厅被捕。

    In 2000 , two men were arrested at a banquet hall in Willowbrook , Illinois , after an undercover investigation featuring police , state attorney 's detectives , and Ty security staff .

  16. 第二个常用手段是看对方的电子邮件,42%的受访对象在接受此项“英国秘密调查”时表示采用过这种方法。

    The second most popular way of finding out if a partner has been a love-cheat is to read their emails.42 percent told the UK Undercover Survey that they had carried out such a ploy .

  17. 甚至充当暗探,联络土匪,煽动部队哗变,实行测绘地图,秘密调查情况,公开进行反对边区政府的宣传。

    Some of them are even acting as spies , conspiring with bandits , inciting our soldiers to mutiny , making surveys and maps of our region , secretly collecting information , or openly spreading propaganda against the border region government .

  18. 2008年,塞登创建了自己的公司秘密全球调查(ConfidentialGlobalInvestigation)。

    He opened his company , Confidential Global Investigation , in 2008 .

  19. 美国联邦调查局(fbi)逮捕了曾通过最高级秘密安全调查的五角大楼雇员格雷格伯格森(greggbergersen)和出生于台湾的美国公民郭台生。

    The FBI arrested Gregg Bergersen , a Pentagon employee with top secret security clearances , and Kuo tai-shen , a Taiwan-born US citizen .

  20. 她让我们秘密地调查。

    He wants us to investigate the case very discretely .

  21. 高盛交易业务秘密会议受调查马萨诸塞州金融监管负责人盖文(WilliamGalvin)向华尔街公司高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)发出了传票,要其提供公司研究分析师与交易员每周就交易业务所举行秘密会议的信息。

    Goldman Subpoenaed On Huddles William Galvin , Massachusetts 's chief financial regulator , has subpoenaed Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , demanding information on the firm 's weekly trading huddles between its research analysts and traders .

  22. BBC广播4台是在最近才开始针对这个秘密计划进行调查的,而且得到了很多大企业家和银行家的支持,其中包括了美国现任总统小布什的祖父普利史考特·布什。他曾经对于20世纪40年代罗斯福总统提出的新政感到很不满。

    The plot , recently investigated by BBC Radio 4 , was led by wealthy industrialists and bankers , including Prescott Bush ( grandfather of George W. Bush ) , who were displeased with Franklin D. Roosevelt 's progressive political policies in the early 1930 's.

  23. 1979年伊朗革命爆发后,时任英国外交大臣委托进行了一项秘密的内部调查:为什么英国外交官未能预测这场革命。

    In the aftermath of the Iranian revolution in 1979 , the UK foreign secretary commissioned a secret internal inquiry into why British diplomats had failed to predict it .

  24. 密探秘密行动/调查这些非法付款是一位暗中查访的新闻记者发现的。

    a skeleton in the cupboard ( a skeleton in the closet ) an undercover agent an undercover operation / investigation The illegal payments were discovered by a journalist working undercover .

  25. 这是和解的一部分,做这些秘密武器和平的调查。

    It 's part of that reconciliation , to do a peaceful survey of these secret weapons .

  26. 秘密听着我最近调查了一下埃琳娜的叔叔

    Ah , it 's a mystery . Listen , I 've , uh , been doing some digging on Elena 's uncle .

  27. 在展开此次打击行动之前,中国修订了其保守国家秘密法。目前的修正案要求,互联网和电信公司必须配合针对涉嫌泄露国家秘密案的调查。

    The crackdown on mapping follows an amendment to China 's state secrets law , which now demands that internet and telecom companies co-operate in investigations into suspected violations of state secrets .