
  • 网络The Secret Service
  1. 就是那个自杀了的秘密服务代理人啊。

    The secret service agent , shot himself ?

  2. 那是秘密服务,先生

    That 's the Secret Service , sir .

  3. 一个被英国秘密服务部监视的人。

    A man who was under surveillance by the British secret service .

  4. 联邦经济情报局所以你们看起来像是秘密服务,你们是如何保护你们客户的呢?

    So you 're like the secret service . How do you protect a client ?

  5. 根据德国媒体报道,这次代表团包括德国秘密服务部门的高级官员。

    The delegation will include senior officials from the German secret service , according to German media reports .

  6. 在华盛顿白宫前门旁边,一架秘密服务队的双眼望远镜于雪中放在架上。

    Secret Service binoculars sit on a ledge covered in snow , next to the front entrance of the White House in Washington .

  7. 他加入战略情报服务局、秘密服务局为反法西斯战争工作。

    He joined in the Office of War Information ( OWI ) and the Office of Secret Services ( OSS ) for the cause of anti-fascism .

  8. 我们很早就认识到,当你把总统的所有工作,所有的秘密服务,所有封条和路障一股脑搬到当地教会,

    We recognized very early on that when you bring the whole package of the presidency , all the Secret Service and all the lines and barricades and so forth to a local congregation ,

  9. 而且,为什么普通市民应该支持并信任这些(跨国食品)公司们的秘密协议将服务于广大群众的利益?

    And why should ordinary citizens go along and trust that the secret handshake devised by corporations will serve the greater public good ?

  10. 只需在防火墙级上提供一个额外的安全层,需要秘密端口的所有服务就会正常工作。

    All services that require the secret ports will function correctly with an extra security layer provided at the firewall level .

  11. 据《坦帕湾时报》称,她们以为他会在下周一回家,但实际上威尔在周三就已抵达当地,秘密居住在一家旅馆中。这一秘密惊喜由全美服务组织和光芒队共同设计。

    They thought he was getting home next Monday , but Will actually arrived home Wednesday and stayed at a hotel to keep the secret devised by the United Service Organizations and the Rays , the Tampa Bay Times reports .