
  • The Secret Garden
  1. 她立即跑出去到秘密花园,

    and she ran out to the secret garden at once .

  2. 玛丽花了将近一个星期的时间在秘密花园里干活儿。

    Mary spent nearly a week working in the secret garden .

  3. 最高成交价的拍品是伊朗画家法尔哈德•莫欣(FarhadMoshiri)创作于2009年的作品——“秘密花园”(SecretGarden),这是一幅反映童话故事的艳丽画作,预估价为30万-50万美元之间。

    Top lot is a glittery fairytale painting by the Iranian Farhad Moshiri , " Secret Garden " ( 2009 ) , estimated at $ 300000 - $ 500000 .

  4. 为了安抚书迷,这个月巴斯福德在Facebook上承诺几周内会有加印到货:“不要惊慌!《秘密花园》和《魔法森林》补货马上到!”

    This month , Ms. Basford tried to calm her followers with a post on her Facebook page , promising that newly printed books would be shipping in a few weeks : " Don 't panic ! New stock of Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest is on its way ! "

  5. 玛丽一路跳着来到秘密花园的墙外,

    Mary skipped all the way to the secret garden wall .

  6. 《卫报》曾评价《秘密花园》有着“特别的治愈功效”。

    Secret Garden is " terribly therapeutic , " commented The Guardian .

  7. 我们喜欢来这里是因为这就你是个秘密花园。

    We love coming here because it 's like a secret garden .

  8. 她终于进了这座秘密花园!

    At last she was inside the secret garden !

  9. 当秘密花园恢复着生机的时候,

    While the secret garden was returning to life ,

  10. 这是秘密花园中第一个美丽的下午,这样的下午以后还有很多。

    That was the first of many beautiful afternoons in the secret garden .

  11. 在每个人的心里都有自己的秘密花园。

    Everyone has a secret garden in a heart .

  12. 玛丽和狄肯进秘密花园里面去。

    Mary , or Dickon entering the secret garden .

  13. 他把这本书定名为《秘密花园》。

    He entitled the book The Secret Garden .

  14. 在他回来之前,她可以整个夏天都呆在秘密花园里。

    She would have all summer in the secret garden before he came back .

  15. 《秘密花园》是一本黑白画集,读者可为其上色。

    Secret Garden is a collection of black-and-white drawings you can fill with color .

  16. 柯林第一次见到了秘密花园,正在说着,

    Colin was seeing the secret garden for the first time , and saying ,

  17. 在秘密花园中,玫瑰花盛开着,

    And in the secret garden , where the roses were at their best ,

  18. 你占用了我的秘密花园

    You stole my hiding place .

  19. 一个休息和思考的私人空间;一个隐蔽的传奇的地点;秘密花园。

    A privy place to rest and think ; a secluded romantic spot ; a secret garden .

  20. 虽然我不再想把这里当做我个人的秘密花园了,但是我还是很爱这里。

    I love here though I don 't want it to be a secret garden for myself forever .

  21. 他们来到秘密花园,一起走了进去。狄肯四处走着,每样东西都看看。

    They went to the secret garden and entered it together . Dickon walked round , looking at everything .

  22. 第二天玛丽像往常一样在秘密花园里见到狄肯,她告诉他柯林的事。

    The next day Mary met Dickon as usual in the secret garden , and told him about Colin .

  23. 今年35岁的美国女演员佐伊丹斯切尔就曾在自己的脸书上和粉丝们分享过一个关于《秘密花园》的链接。

    American actress Zooey Deschanel , 35 , once shared a link about Secret Garden with her Facebook followers .

  24. 她正在秘密花园长长的围墙外走着,一件惊人的事情发生了。

    She was walking beside the long wall of the secret garden , when a most wonderful thing happened .

  25. 在附近的一片树林中,乔治度过了大部分的空闲时间。那儿有他的一个秘密花园。

    He spent much of his spare time in the nearby woods where he kept a " secret " garden .

  26. 与此同时,《秘密花园》在许多市场都卖光了,令书迷陷入恐慌。

    In the meantime , " Secret Garden " has sold out in many markets , to the consternation of fans .

  27. 改编自1911年童书的电影《秘密花园》讲述一个女孩无意间闯入了一个隐藏的花园。

    An adaptation of the 1911 book , " The Secret Garden " follows a girl who stumbles across a hidden garden .

  28. 在墨西哥霍比特洞的底部有一个在地表下300米深的秘密花园。

    A secret garden nestles 300 metres beneath the surface of the Earth at the bottom of Mexico 's ' hobbit holes . '

  29. 要是能找到秘密花园,就能看看10年间都发生了些什么变化!

    How lovely it would be to find the garden , and see what had happened to it in the last ten years !

  30. 为了解读《秘密花园》的主题,本文从概念隐喻的角度对小说进行了分析。

    In order to explore the theme of The Secret Garden , the thesis studies the novel from the perspective of conceptual metaphor .