
  • 网络subterfuge;backdoor
  1. 理查德-尼克松则用秘密手段操纵其幕僚。

    Richard Nixon ran his staff by stealth .

  2. 一个企图通过耍滑或秘密手段在一个机构团体中谋利的阴谋家。通过审慎的谋划,他成功地使该建议获得通过。

    A schemer who tries to gain advantage in an organization in sly or underhanded ways . By careful strategy he manages to push the proposal through .

  3. 作为有事先预防效果的企业商业秘密保护手段,竞业禁止显得异常重要。

    So , with preventative effort , non-competition is extremely important to protect business secrets .

  4. 本部分包括两点内容,分别是盗窃罪秘密窃取手段的重新理解与盗窃罪占有行为的重新理解。

    They are the re-understanding of the means of secret larceny and occupying behavior in the crime of theft respectively .

  5. 的确,国际社会正在见证的是:各国日趋依赖秘密暴力手段,而不公开宣战。

    Indeed , the world community is witnessing an increasing reliance by states on covert acts of violence without declarations of war .

  6. 为此,世界各国纷纷运用秘密侦查手段打击和惩治犯罪,以实现犯罪控制的目的。

    In order to make crime under control , most countries in the world adopted the means of secret investigation one by one .

  7. 竞业禁止属保护商业秘密的手段之一,仅适用于法律规定的某些特定主体。

    Prohibition of business strife is a kind of means to protect business secret , which is only employed by some specified subjects prescribed by law .

  8. 在此种形势下,一种诱惑性秘密侦查手段悄然出现,由于其在侦破某些特别案件中屡试不爽,它在司法活动中使用的广度和深度都在不断扩展和加深。

    In such a situation , a teaser secret reconnaissance means appear sadly , because its in cracking in certain special cases in proximity , " it " used in judicial activities of the breadth and depth in the expanding and deepening all .

  9. 在此情势下,普通的侦查手段已经不能满足侦查工作的需要,秘密侦查手段成为打击这些具有隐蔽性特征的新型犯罪的利器,越来越受到世界各国的青睐。

    In this situation , the ordinary means of investigation can not meet the need of investigation . Secret investigative techniques as a weapon against those with hidden characteristics of new types of crime , and more and more countries around the world use it .

  10. 瑞典人通过秘密的外交手段来争取他的自由。

    The Swedes had sought his freedom through quiet diplomacy

  11. 浅谈秘密侦查技术手段的应用

    Application Of Secrete Scouting Technique

  12. 此外,鉴于德国的历史背景就在20年前,柏林墙的倒塌让东德秘密警察的手段大白于天下这种做法令人震惊。

    Moreover , in the German context - only two decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall brought the methods of East Germany 's secret police to light - such practices cause shock .

  13. 随着世界各国市场竞争的激烈化,其适用范围日渐扩大,已经成为各主要发达国家以立法形式保护商业秘密的重要手段,同时也成为一个重要法律制度。

    As the countries in the world of fierce competition in the market , increasingly expand its scope of application , has become the major developed countries to legislate to protect commercial secrets of the important means , but also become an important legal system .

  14. 建立和完善约定竞业禁止制度是商业秘密保护的重要手段。

    To build and perfect the system of promissory competing-for-job-prohibition is the important measures to protect the commercial secrets .

  15. 竞业限制作为市场经济条件下劳动力流动中的商业秘密保护的有效手段,在西方市场经济发达的国家已经形成了较为成熟的法律制度。

    The non-competition system is the effective means of protecting trade secret in mobility of labor force under the market economy condition , has been more mature in the western market economy developed country .

  16. 目前由于人才流动引发的商业秘密流失问题越来越严重,作为商业秘密保护重要手段的竞业禁止制度也随之日益凸显其重要性。

    At present , the question of business secret outflow which is generated by the human resource flow is getting more and more serious . As an important measure to protect business secrets , the system of Prohibition of business strife will highlight its importance day by day .

  17. 第二章分别对我国和国外秘密侦查的历史发展进行概述,重点对部分秘密侦查手段的历史由来和发展进行解读。

    The next chapter summarizes the historic development of the secret investigation both in and abroad , with focus on the interpretation on the historic origin and the development of part of secret investigation ways .

  18. 现代商业社会,人才流动频繁,随之而来的商业秘密泄露现象也就愈发突出,竞业禁止顺势成为保护商业秘密的重要手段。

    In modern commercial society , rapid flow of qualified personnel creates the increasingly serious problem of leaked trade secrets , which explains why restraint of competition acts an important role in protecting trade secrets .

  19. 历史的比较秘密侦查可以发现,其发展规律一方面展现出秘密侦查技术的不断进步,另一方面又体现了秘密侦查手段不断受法律规制而愈加有序的趋势;

    Analysis the secret investigation in the history , we will find that there is a principle in the development of secret investigation , which is the legalization and technology .

  20. 人才流动造成商业秘密的泄露已是不争的事实,竞业禁止协议作为竞业禁止制度的重要内容,已经引起越来越多用人单位的重视,成为用人单位保护商业秘密的重要手段之一。

    The disclosure of trade secrets caused by talents flow is an indisputable fact , Non-competition agreement , as an important part of the Prohibition of business strife , has been one of the important methods to protecting trade secrets .