
  • 网络esoterica
  1. 禅宗是一种秘教式宗教,它强调默思的重要性。

    Zen is a mystic religion , which emphasizes the importance of meditation .

  2. 每一个神圣的符号-联接到神-有了一个科学和一个秘教的目的。

    Every sacred symbol - linked to the gods - had a scientific as well as an esoteric purpose .

  3. 一位名字被涂掉的人士说,乔布斯通过参加东方和/或印度秘教、宗教,在人生哲学上出现了变化,这种变化可能给他的个人生活带来了有利影响。

    One person whose name is redacted says that Mr. Jobs " had undergone a change in philosophy by participating in eastern and / or Indian mysticism and religion . This change apparently influenced the Appointee 's personal life for the better . "

  4. 试想深思的希腊人的秘教有其牢不可破的哲理基础,而且他们的种种怀疑论有时甚或向奥林匹斯神灵突然进攻;那么,埃斯库罗斯这样大胆地把奥林匹斯神界放在他的正义天秤上来衡量,那就不足为奇了。

    In considering the extraordinary boldness with which Aeschylus places the Olympian world on his scales of justice , we must remember that the profound Greek had an absolutely stable basis of metaphysical thought in his mystery cults and that he was free to discharge all his skeptical velleities on the Olympians .