
  • 网络Secret Society;camorra
  1. 与“卡泽”(Kazaa)或者“摩尔普斯”(Morpheus)等允许所有人共享音乐的公共网络不同,私人网络的运作方法更像是地下夜总会或者秘密组织。

    Unlike such public networks as Kazaa or Morpheus , which let you share songs with anyone , private networks operate more like underground nightclubs or secret societies .

  2. 很多秘密组织,兄弟会和女生联谊会使用秘密的握手方式来辨别他们的兄弟姐妹。

    Many secret societies , fraternity and sorority employ secret handshakes enabling them to identify initiated brothers and sisters .

  3. 一个因暴力和勒索而声名狼藉的那不勒斯秘密组织。

    A secret society in Naples notorious for violence and blackmail .

  4. 他们以为我是一个未成年秘密组织的成员。

    Who believed I was part of a secret preteen organization .

  5. 白色的南方人抵抗黑人解放运动的秘密组织。

    A secret society of white Southerners to resist Black emancipation .

  6. 什么组织是美国政府的一个秘密组织

    What ? It 's a secret branch of the U.S. Government .

  7. 这建筑给秘密组织做基地不错。

    This building 's the perfect place for a cover-up .

  8. 组织起来推翻一个政府或占领力量的秘密组织。

    A secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force .

  9. 它是12世纪建立的一个秘密组织。

    It was a secret order founded in the12th century .

  10. 这个秘密组织试图毁灭耶稣有后代的证据。

    And this Council of shadows tries to destroy proof of the bloodline .

  11. 或许是某个秘密组织。

    It 's a secret organization of some sort .

  12. 既然仇杀吸血鬼的秘密组织不会再来找我们麻烦了

    Now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back ,

  13. 你怎么能建立一个秘密组织?

    If you have people looking over your shoulder ?

  14. 他也是秘密组织“共济会”的会员。

    He was also a member of a secret society known as the masons .

  15. 你知道那个秘密组织

    You know about the black ops group .

  16. 一个秘密组织,我现在在这儿。

    Of secret organization you have here .

  17. 他被秘密组织头头胁迫不得漏这些谋杀案件。

    He was forced hy his paymaster in the secret to keep quiet about these murders .

  18. 名为“组织”的秘密组织

    A black-ops program called Division

  19. 也门武装力量在继续打击圣战秘密组织,国外的安全援助也仍在流入也门。

    Yemeni forces have continued to strike at jihadist cells , and foreign security aid still flows .

  20. 我们或许应该秘密组织一个反抄袭小队来仔细调查以给他们狠狠一击!只是玩笑而已。

    We should make a secret no-plagerisem team to go over and beat them soundly ! Just kidding .

  21. 维绍普特很快将这一“光明会”教义渗透到“欧洲大陆共济会秘密组织”并建立了“大东方”会馆作为其秘密总部。

    Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters .

  22. 魔法界的内战就此展开,霍格沃茨的学生、秘密组织凤凰社、魔法部和食死徒四方皆被卷入其中。

    Therefore the rebellion involving the students of Hogwarts , secret organization Order of the Phoenix , the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters begins .

  23. 每个星期六,沃伦花费几个小时的秘密组织收到的为期一周,以放置于周日上午20组新。

    Each Saturday , Warren spends several hours organizing the secrets received that week in order to put up a new set of20 on Sunday morning .

  24. 当议会被扩充到了人类之后他们也开始学习魔法,这一直是被作为秘密组织在为一的最高层的魔法师之间。

    When the order was extended to humans after they too began to learn magic , it was kept as a secret Order amongst only the greatest magi .

  25. 正如某些炎症所引起、在人体内形成的那种薄膜那样,秘密组织的网已开始在全国四散蔓延。

    Like those membranes which arise from certain inflammations and form in the human body , the network of secret societies began to spread all over the country .

  26. 夜间骑行的人:美国南部夜间蒙面骑行的白人秘密组织的一员,他们进行暴力活动以达到惩罚或恐怖目的,尤其在南北战争后的重建时期。

    One of a secret band of mounted , usually masked white men who engaged in nocturnal terrorism for revenge or intimidation in the southern United States especially during Reconstruction .

  27. 这个秘密组织总共有19个人,绝大多数老成员在47岁到50岁之间。他们是在塔斯马尼亚大学学数学的时候相识的。

    The secretive group consists of 19 members . Most of the original club members are aged between 47 and 50 , and met while studying mathematics at the University of Tasmania .

  28. 米勒1953年出生于罗马尼亚,由于拒绝同齐奥塞斯库的秘密组织合作,丢掉了她的教师工作并且一直遭受秘密警察的侵扰,米勒和丈夫于1987年离开罗马尼亚移民到德国并一直居住至今。

    Born in Romania in1953 , she refused to cooperate with Ceausescu 's Securitate , lost her job as a teacher and was the subject of repeated threats until she emigrated in1987 .

  29. 85岁的纽曼曾在美国特种部队服役多年,帮助朝鲜游击队秘密组织在敌人后方作战。

    The 85-year-old Newman spent his war years in one of the army 's special forces units helping a clandestine group of North Korean partisans who were fighting and spying behind enemy lines .

  30. 你只需要列出一系列事件,包括一些历史人物的死亡;加上一个秘密组织,它可能有着不明不白的创立过程;声称某些有确凿证据的事实是假的。

    Just take a series of events , including the deaths of some historical figures ; add a secret organisation , possibly with a dodgy initiation process ; assert that well-documented occurrences have been faked .