
  • 网络Beam width;Beamwidth;HPBW
  1. 成像场景尺寸取决于刈幅大小和仰角上的天线波束宽度,而SAR系统的成像分辨率是雷达系统带宽和天线波束宽度的函数。

    Imaged scene size depends strongly on swath or antenna beamwidth in elevation while the imaging resolutions of a SAR system are functions of radar system bandwidth and antenna beamwidth .

  2. 任意分布阵列天线波束宽度的精确估计

    On the Accurate Estimation of Beamwidth for an Array with Arbitrarily Distributed Elements

  3. 通过调整椭圆的轴比可以实现E面和H面波束宽度独立可控,并且实现更宽的扫描范围。

    The beamwidth in E-and H-planes can be individually controlled and wider coverage is obtained through adjusting the axial ratio of the ellipse .

  4. 在远场暗室测试了该U形微带贴片天线单元的辐射特性,给出了实测方向图,波束宽度在E面和H面都达到110°;

    The radiation of the U-shaped micro-strip patch antenna is experimented at a far-field darkroom . Furthermore , the radiation pattern is given .

  5. 由合成孔径原理可知,条带SAR的方位分辨率随波束宽度的变宽而提高。

    According to the principle of the synthetic aperture , the azimuth spatial resolution of the strip SAR is improved dramatically with wide beam .

  6. 利用带有卡赛格伦天线的3mm和8mm辐射计对沥青背景下的金属板进行了对比测量,3mm和8mm辐射计天线的3dB波束宽度分别为0.5°和1.5°。

    The metal plate on the pitch background was also measured by the 3 ? mm and 8 ? mm radiometers with different beam width Cassegrain antenna .

  7. 研究发现系统误码特性随移动台入射波AOA的角度扩散减小而下降,而基站入射波的波束宽度对系统性能影响较小。

    The research finds that BER for mobile station will increase with the angel diffusion decrease for AOA of incident radio , but the performance of base station is hardly affected by the beamwidth of incident radio .

  8. 最后,讨论了一个16单元串端馈双极化微带天线阵,并进行了仿真计算,天线的增益得到进一步提高,波束宽度也得到减小,能很好的适应变极化系统的要求。

    At last , designed a 16 units dual-polarized microstrip antenna array .

  9. 电子扫描时,波幅(波束宽度)增加一倍。

    In case of electronic scannings the beamwidth gets broader by a factor of two .

  10. 跟踪测量雷达因其精度要求,波束宽度很窄。

    Because of the accuracy requirements of tracking radar , the beam width is very narrow .

  11. 要实现大范围扫描,必须提高阵列天线单元的波束宽度。

    To achieve the aim , the beamwidth of antenna elements of array should be broadened .

  12. 电子扫描时,波束宽度展宽一倍。

    In case of electronic scanning the beam width is broader by a factor of two .

  13. 波束宽度正比于工作波长入,反比于接收阵列尺寸。

    Beam width is proportional to the wavelength λ, and the inverse to the receiver array size .

  14. 基于120°波束宽度的移动通信基站天线-罩系统的电性能研究

    Study on the Electric Performances of Mobile Communication Basic Antenna-Radome System Based on 120 ° Beam Antenna

  15. 讨论了波束宽度等因素对其散射特性的影响并与平面波入射的结果进行了比较。

    The numerical results are discussed and compared with those obtained in the plane wave incident case .

  16. 一般非综合孔径雷达的方位分辨率受天线波束宽度的限制。

    Angular resolution of a real aperture radar is limited by the beam width of the radar antenna .

  17. 船用连续波雷达的收发天线不但波束宽度窄,而且结构紧凑、重量轻、隔离度高。

    Marine CW radar transceiver antenna should be compact and have narrow beam width , light weight and high isolation .

  18. 再根据所需的增益和垂直面波束宽度,在垂直面采用6个单元来满足垂直面方向图要求。

    According to the desired gain and vertical beam width , six units are used to meet the vertical plane radiation .

  19. 这个信标器的波束宽度有限,如果弹体波束角超过了它,信号就会发生严重的衰减。

    The beacon will have a limited beamwidth and if the body-to-beam angle exceeds this a serious loss of signal will result .

  20. 突破了单星雷达受天线基线长度的限制,具有更窄的波束宽度,但是会产生较多的孔径干涉栅瓣。

    A long baseline with narrower beamwidth can also be provided by distributed space-based radars at the cost of appearing grating lobes .

  21. 在目标方位间隔大于半波束宽度时,可实现2~4个目标的三维参数联合估计。

    3-dimension parameters of 2-4 targets can be jointly estimated as long as the direction intervals are greater than half beam width .

  22. 通过对几个样本功率起伏实验数据的采集、处理,力图找出一种仿真算法,使得给定任意波束宽度能够仿真出信号的功率起伏。

    And the text manages to present an emulate arithmetic by using collection and disposal of several stylebooks of power undulate experiment data . power ;

  23. 采用优化设计的方法,实现15%带宽、偏焦7.5°(6.25倍波束宽度)的偏焦波束。

    Using optimization design , bandwidth of 15 % and offset of 7 . 5 °( 6 . 25 times beam width ) are realized .

  24. 研究了遗传算法参数和优化结果之间的关系,仿真结果表明,同时考虑峰值副瓣电平和波束宽度才能获得更满意的稀布结果。

    Simulation results show that in order to get satisfied thinned arrays the peak sidelobe level ( PSL ) and the beamwidth must be considered together .

  25. 而一般非综合孔径雷达的方位分辨率受天线波束宽度的限制,为突破这种限制需采用方位超分辨技术。

    The azimuth resolution of the general non-synthetic aperture radar is restricted by antenna beam width ; such restrictions need to break with azimuth super-resolution technology .

  26. 所设计的微带贴片天线在设计频段内反射损耗小于-20dB,半功率波束宽度大于±60°。

    The return loss is less than-20 dB and the half power beamwidth is more than ± 60 ° within design frequency of the designed antenna .

  27. 数值结果表明,金属栅厚度对漏波天线波求方向影响较小,但对漏波天线的辐射效率和波束宽度有明显的影响。

    Numerical results show that the effect of metallization thickness is smaller on the direction of main beam and very noticeable on the beamwidth and aperture efficiency .

  28. 采用口径场绕射积分求取了天线的近场及远场方向图,绘制了波束宽度、方向性和最大副瓣电平三个关键参数随场点距离的关系曲线。

    Three key parameters , namely beamwidth , directivity and maximum sidelobe level , are drawn versus the distance between field points and the center of aperture .

  29. 导出了用天线方向图的半功率波束宽度快速计算口径天线方向性系数和增益的简单表达式,分析讨论了这些公式的应用范围。

    The simple formulae of fast calculating aperture antenna directivity and gain are derived using antenna beamwidths . Applied range of these formulae are analyzed and discussed .

  30. 以均匀间距线列阵作了实验验证,波束宽度理论值和测量值一致性较好。

    Experimented on the equally spaced line array , the experimental results show that the theoretical values of the beamwidth are well consistent with that obtained in the experiments .