
  • 网络Bohemian;La Boheme
  1. 昨晚我们去歌剧院看了《波西米亚人》。

    We went to the opera last night and saw La boheme .

  2. 歌剧《波西米亚人》中鲁道夫角色的演唱技巧

    The Singing Technique of the Role Rudolf in La Boheme

  3. 众所周知,格林威治村(GreenwichVillage)曾经是“垮掉的一代”诗人、爵士音乐家、艺术家与波西米亚人聚集的地方,现在也仍旧是敏奈塔酒馆的所在地。酒吧里古老的橡木吧台,最适合靠着喝杯小酒或餐前鸡尾酒。

    Greenwich Village , famously once home to New York 's Beat poets , jazz musicians , artists and Bohemians , is still home to Minetta Tavern , whose old oak bar is perfect for leaning on while sipping a draught or classic cocktail before dinner .

  4. 捷克:波西米亚人的领地

    The Czech Republic : the Demesne of Bohemians

  5. 他们人都是波西米亚人。

    Both of them are from Bohemia .

  6. 1986年与世界著名男高音歌唱家帕瓦罗蒂合作上演歌剧《波西米亚人》获得成功。

    In 1986 , CNO performed the opera La Boheme together with the famous tenor Pavarotti .

  7. 第二章解读《波西米亚人》的戏剧结构与音乐语言。

    Chapter II is an interpretation of the dramatic structure and the music language of the opera .

  8. 《美丽谎言》的女主角玛丽贝尔是智裔波西米亚人,嫁给了一位激进的社会主义分子爱德华·坎贝尔·劳伍。

    In " Beautiful Lies " Maribel is a Chilean bohemian married to a radical socialist , Edward Campbell Lowe .

  9. 往西走,住满波西米亚人的上城区,是一处喷满涂鸦的拥挤街区,到处都是些老式商店、简陋饭馆、廉价酒吧和现场音乐表演场地,狭窄的街道里挤满了嘈杂的人群,直到凌晨时分。

    To the west , bohemian Bairro Alto is the graffiti-sprayed warren of vintage stores , hole-in-the wall restaurants , dive bars and live-music venues , where noisy throngs fill the narrow streets until the wee hours .