
bō jí
  • affect;spread to;involve
波及 [bō jí]
  • (1) [spread to]∶扩散到;传播到

  • 疾病波及全岛

  • (2) [involve;affect]∶影响到

  • 经济危机波及整个资本主义世界

波及[bō jí]
  1. 亚洲金融危机影响波及全球,世界经济受到严重冲击。

    The impacts of the Asian financial crisis spread to the rest of the world , sending strong shock waves throughout the world economy .

  2. 此事在很大程度上将取决于中方的调查结果。据报道,调查已波及中国最大钢铁企业之一首钢集团(ShougangGroup)以及其它钢铁企业和贸易公司。

    Much could depend on what Beijing uncovers in its investigation , which is reported to have spread to Shougang Group , one of the country 's largest steel mills , and other mills and traders .

  3. 悲剧的反响波及全世界。

    The tragedy resounded around the world .

  4. 这场波及全国的爱国热潮还对那场工会运动起到了推波助澜的作用。

    The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole

  5. Barbequestopper(字面意思为“使烧烤活动中断的事情”)是一个澳大利亚俚语,指波及范围很广、对当下有深远影响且颇具争议性的话题讨论,即“热门话题”。

    Barbeque stopper , Australian slang , refers to a topic of constant and widespread conversation which is controversial and of contemporary significance .

  6. 怀孕的女人本就需要身兼多职,而研究却证实长久以来流传的“孕傻”说法是真的,怀孕会造成准妈妈记忆力衰退,其影响力甚至会波及到产后一年。

    Just when a pregnant woman might need to multitask , research has confirmed that the long-suspected " baby brain " effect kicks in , as suspected , and may impair memory for up to a year after birth .

  7. 其中波及关节面的B、C型骨折优良率为775%。

    In the cases of type B and C fractures , the excellent and good rate was 77.5 % .

  8. 基于DSP的高压输电线路故障录波及测距装置的研究

    Study on Device for Fault-Recorder and Fault Location of HV Transmission Line Based on DSP

  9. 结果MRI显示肿瘤位于髓外、硬脊膜下,以胸段为甚,波及全脊髓。

    Results The MRI appeared that the extramedullary lesion occurred in nearly the whole spinal canal .

  10. 基于SOA的民航航班延误波及分析与预警系统

    Flight Delay Propagation Analyzing and Predicting System of Civil Aviation of China Based on SOA

  11. 运动试验中R波及T波振幅变化对诊断冠心病的意义

    Amplitude changes of R wave and T wave in exercise test and their values in diagnosis of coronary heart disease

  12. 结果与对照组比较,B、C、D组e波及e/a比值下降(P均<0.01),且e波呈递减趋势;

    Results Compared with control group , e peak and e / a ratio decreased in B , C , D groups ( P all < 0.01 ) .

  13. IMF还警告说,如果发达国家投资者突然将套息交易资金撤出亚洲新兴市场,大跌的风险可能波及亚洲货币市场。

    IMF also warned that contagion could also occur through Asian currency markets , as long and carry-trade positions are unwound .

  14. 基于关键飞行资源的航班延误波及DAG模型的研究

    Research on Flight Delay Propagation DAG Based on Critical Flight Resources

  15. 观察缺血再灌注损伤后1,3,7,15d各组视网膜电图(ERG)中a波及b波的变化。

    At 1,3,7 and 15 d after the ischemia reperfusion injury , the change of electroretinogram ( ERG ) a and b wave were observed .

  16. 磁重联区Alfven波及新生离子的加速

    Alfven wwes in the magnetic reconnection regions and the acceleration of newborn ions

  17. 观察光照后6h、6d、14d各组视网膜电图中a波及b波的变化。

    At 6 hours and 6,14 days after light exposed , change of electroretinogram a wave and b wave was observed .

  18. 心电图特征:在回旋支病变所导致的Q波或非Q波心肌梗死患者中,病理性Q波及STT异常最常出现在下后壁及下壁。

    Q wave and ST T wave abnormalities occurred most frequently at inferior and posterior walls and correlated with the disease of middle segment of circumflex .

  19. 特征尺度上准确定位QRS波及T波的起始点,从而获得QT间期的精确值。

    The onsets of QRS wave and T wave was identified in the characteristic scales to provide accurate parameters of the QT interval .

  20. 以此模型为基础,分析评价了我国CDM的实施潜力及波及效应。

    On the basis of this model , we evaluate Implement Potentials and Spread Effects of Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) in China .

  21. 由于这样的减债是主动的“软违约”,不会引发CDS合约飙升,因而只会波及实际持有希腊债券的银行。

    Since such a cut would be voluntary " soft default ," it would not trigger the CDS contracts , therefore limiting the fallout to those banks that physically held Greek debt .

  22. 本文利用远震P波及SH波和区域地震P(nl)波波形反演方法,测定了华北9次强震的断层面解、震源深度及地震矩。

    The source parameters of 9 strong events in the North China region have been determined with a joint moment tensor inversion of teleseismic and regional distance body waves ( P , SH , Pnl ) .

  23. 长SOA下,2-D平面上非预测性边缘位置线索导致了经典的返回抑制现象,3-D空间中返回抑制效应波及到了不同的深度平面上。

    At the long SOA , the uninformative peripheral cue elicited the classic inhibition of return ( IOR ) in the 2-D condition ; Furthermore , the IOR effect spread across different depth planes in the 3-D condition .

  24. ABR测试老年性耳聋有波及I~V波间期延长,在高海拔地区此种改变更为明显。

    V wave and I-V waves interval prolonged in presbyacousis , the prolong was more obvious as the growed , and these changes were marked in the middle-aged and old persons at high altitude areas .

  25. 将该计算过程编制成VBA程序,绘制出了不同含水率的条件下,聚驱波及系数与流度比倒数的关系图版。

    Compiling this calculation process into the VBA software , we can draw the plate about the relation between the sweep efficiency and reciprocal mobility ratio under different water cut conditions .

  26. 据据LSC波及LSD波理论模型和以往实验结果,建立了等离子体点燃阈值及LSC波与LSD波转换阈值判据。

    Based on the theory of LSC and LSD waves and the experiment results the criteria of thresholds for plasma and LSD wave ignition are proposed .

  27. 研究了探地雷达回波信号杂波及背景去除算法,改进了一种基于A-scan信号强度的自适应滑动平均法;

    Studied the cluster and background reduction algorithm and , proposed an enhanced adaptive step average method based on the amplitude of A-scan signal ;

  28. WGL-3大型发变组微机故障录波及监视分析系统

    WGL-3 generator-transformer unit fault recording and supervisory analysis system

  29. 分析高电压介质损耗角数字化测量中谐波及干扰信号等误差因素,探讨零相差FIR滤波器设计,采用傅里叶变换等数字处理方法,使用DSP系统测量介质的损耗角,并给出有关计算结果。

    This article discussed the error factors of the harmonic and interferences in the high voltage fields for digital measuring dielectric loss of insulator , approach methods of zero phase FIR filter and Fourier transform , using digital signal process system , in measurement .

  30. 利用上述方法分析了斜压Ekman动量流对Eady型斜压波及锋生过程的影响,得到了一些有意义的结果。

    Significant results have been thereby derived in examining the effects of baroclinic Ekman momentum flow on Early & type baroclinic waves and frontogenesis .