
  • 网络Bordeaux;CLARET;Bordeaux Rouge;Red Wine;Bordeaux wine
  1. 这应归功于亚洲需求,主要是针对顶级波尔多红酒的需求,特级勃艮第葡萄酒(grandcruburgundy)也日益吃香。

    This is thanks to Asian demand , primarily for top red Bordeaux , but also a growing thirst for Grand Cru Burgundy .

  2. 我觉得最好给我波尔多红酒。

    And I think it better to give me Bordeaux .

  3. 绝大部分此类投资的对象都是产成品而不是期货,主要是顶级酒庄出产的波尔多红酒。

    The vast majority invest in the finished product mainly red Bordeaux from top chateaux as opposed to futures .

  4. 欧洲人可能会嘲笑中国游客对贝多芬,波尔多红酒,雨果.波士毫无区分的虚妄的追求。

    Europeans may sneer at Chinese tourists who pursue Beethoven , Bordeaux and Hugo Boss with the same undiscriminating avidity .

  5. 近几年,从温哥华房产到法国波尔多红酒,再到现代艺术品,富有的中国人已经抬高了全球各地资产投资的价格。

    Wealthy Chinese have bid up the price of investment assets in recent years from property in Vancouver to French Bordeaux and modern art .

  6. 在中国的酒会上,他常常见到,原装的波尔多红酒,在短短的一会儿的时间内,就被人们一饮而尽。

    Too often at banquets in China he has watched first-growth claret being downed in joyless , glass-draining toasts , well into the small hours .

  7. 品尝记录:一流波尔多红酒,酒香浓烈,果感紧致,酒体迷人且深邃多变,口感辛辣而个性十足。

    Taste notes : Excellent Bordeaux wine with great dense and tight fruit on the nose , an enticing and complex depth , spicy and full of exotic character .

  8. 一瓶2009年的加贝兰红酒被评为10英镑以上级最佳波尔多品种级红酒,击败了来自纳帕、澳大利亚与波尔多的竞争对手。

    A 2009 bottle of its Jia Bei Lan was named best red Bordeaux varietal over 10 , beating out rivals from Napa , Australia and Bordeaux .