
pǐn jiǔ shī
  • Wine taster;wine connoisseur;winetaster
  1. 不要让自己麻醉在酒精中(如果你是一名品酒师,一杯独特的酒也是一份很好的礼物)或是在大型购物商店中挥金如土。

    Read a book , talk to a friend , eat your favorite food . Don 't deaden your senses with alcohol ( although if you 're a wine connoisseur , your special wine can be a gift ) or spend big bucks at the mall .

  2. 当前的业内佼佼者是品酒师比利·瓦格纳(BillyWagne)开的Nobelhart&Schmutzig,他以前是米其林级餐厅RutzWineBar的掌门人。

    The current bellwether is Nobelhart & Schmutzig , opened by the sommelier Billy Wagner , who previously helmed the Michelin-starred Rutz Wine Bar .

  3. 纽约DelFrisco's牛排店的品酒师杰西卡·塞尔托(JessicaCerto)说,店里存不了SilverOak。

    Jessica Certo , sommelier of Del Frisco 's in New York , said that she couldn 't keep Silver Oak in stock . '

  4. 得知在以牛排馆为主的得克萨斯州,反感SilverOak的品酒师竟然能找到工作,我感到很意外,更意外的是他们竟然还能升到有影响力的职位。

    I was surprised to learn that an anti-Silver Oak sommelier could get a job , let alone rise to a position of influence , in the steakhouse-centric Lone Star state .

  5. 单单SilverOak惹着了当时餐厅的主厨斯科特·布莱恩(ScottBryan),每次品酒师拿着酒穿过厨房去餐厅时,他就会做出某种嘲笑的手势。

    It was Silver Oak alone that provoked Scott Bryan , the restaurant 's chef at the time , to make a sort of mocking salute whenever the sommelier carried it through the kitchen and into the dining room ( which was fairly often ) .

  6. Teabox借鉴葡萄酒行业的成功经验,邀请品酒师为网站编写引人入胜的产品介绍。

    Taking a cue from the successful wine industry , Teabox is bringing in wine tasters to provide engaging online descriptions for its products .

  7. 熊猫人是世间一流的品酒师,也是无与伦比的勇敢战士。

    They are peerless warriors and world class drinkers all in one !

  8. 大多数熟练的品酒师当然更喜欢高档酒,但也只是略微更喜欢一点而已。

    More skilled oenophiles do prefer pricier booze , but only a little .

  9. 品酒师、品酒员:品尝葡萄酒以确定或比较其品质的人。

    Wine taster . One who tastes wines to determine or compare their quality .

  10. 我们的品酒师将会做一个简短的红酒展示,然后会有关于葡萄酒的详细介绍。

    Our Wine taster will give you a short presentation on wine , followed by an introduction to wine tasting .

  11. 对大多数人来讲,温度可以加强口味,但是对于一些被称为“热品酒师”的人来说,温度本身就是一种味道。

    For most people , temperature can enhance flavors . But for some , dubbed thermal tasters , temperature alone can be a flavor .

  12. 他说:“我知道在得克萨斯州有几个品酒师在说三道四。”他听起来泰然自若。

    I know there were a couple of somms in Texas who were saying some things , ' said Mr. Duncan , sounding unfazed .

  13. 西班牙制造的较为醇厚的葡萄酒因此大受裨益。现在西班牙有很多自己的品酒师。

    The more robust wines made in Spain , now that the country has an army of wine connoisseurs of her own , have benefited .

  14. 他说:我知道在得克萨斯州有几个品酒师在说三道四。他听起来泰然自若。

    ' I know there were a couple of somms in Texas who were saying some things , ' said Mr. Duncan , sounding unfazed .

  15. 每年春季都会有大批的投资商、批发商和品酒师涌入法国波尔多的几家知名的酒庄去品尝发酵的葡萄汁。

    Every spring a group of investors , wholesalers and wine critics descend on a few established Bordeaux wine producers to taste the fermented grape juice .

  16. 专业品酒师能够品尝出丹宁、糖分、酸以及生产工艺所赋予一瓶红酒的不同味道,并对这些味道做出评价。

    Professional wine tasters are trained to notice the different flavors that tannins , sugars , acids and various processes give to a particular wine , and to put words to them .

  17. 美国人罗伯特•帕克是一位大师级品酒师。他鼻子一皱,就足以使他所品的那种酒的价格一路下跌,比他在波尔多品酒时所在的酒窖还要低。

    A WRINKLED nose from Robert Parker , a masterly American wine critic , used to be enough to send wine prices down deeper than the Bordeaux cellars where he does his tasting .

  18. 近日,伦敦“劳合社”为一位知名酿酒师兼品酒师的鼻子上了500万欧元(合790万美元)的保险,如这位波尔多酿酒师的鼻子受伤或丧失嗅觉即可获得赔偿。

    Has insured the nose of a leading wine maker and taster for5 million euros ( $ 7.9 million ), covering the Bordeaux producer against the loss of his nose and sense of smell .

  19. 口感(味觉):品尝术语,用于指在口中察觉的各种感觉(而非闻到的)。同时,一个好的品酒师可能会被认为拥有很好的味觉。

    Palate : Tasting term used to indicate the range of sensations detected in the mouth ( rather than on the nose ) . Also , a competent taster may be said to have a good palate .