
  • 网络Moral structures;structure of morality
  1. 当前有影响的几种品德结构学说大都是在普通心理学的基础知识和基本概念基础上建构起来的。

    Although we have several main theoretical models of structure of morality , they all rest on the basic knowledge and concepts of general psychology .

  2. 从思想品德结构探寻德育科学化途径

    Searching for A Scientific Way of Moral Education from Moral Structure

  3. 高校学生辅导员的品德结构研究

    Research on the Moral Structure of the Student Counselor

  4. 人的思想品德结构是一个整体,是发展变化的。

    Man 's moral structure is an entirety . It is changing and developing .

  5. 孔子的品德结构,就其总体形式而论,包括内在的个体结构和外在的关系结构。

    Generally speaking , Confucius 's character structure consists of an internal individual structure and an external relational structure .

  6. 浅谈当代中学生思想品德结构的凸显性教育

    Talking about the Education in the Nature of Bulge in the Structure of the Moral Character of the Contemporary Middle School Students THOUGHT

  7. 道德情感既是人类品德结构形成的条件,又是品德结构中的重要要素。

    Moral emotions are both one of the conditions of the formation of the human moral structure and the major elements of the human moral structure .

  8. 人的个性是一个完整的体系,思想品德结构是从属于个性心理结构亚结构,处于个性结构的核心。

    Human being 's personality is an integral system . Ideological moral structure , a sub structure subordinated to personality psychology , lies at the center of personality structure .

  9. 可以通过激发学生的学习动机,培养他们的学习兴趣,强化其自我意识,优化其品德结构,让他们体验鉴赏数学美等措施培养学生积极情感。

    By stimulating the students ' study motives , cultivating their study interests , strengthening their self-awareness , optimizing their moral characters structure , we can achieve a better teaching result .

  10. 根据所涉对象可分为自我品德结构和心中他人的品德结构,相应地我们可以把德育内容分为自我德育内容和心中他人德育内容;

    We can divide moral education contents into the " ego " and " others " moral content here according to the " ego " qualities construction and " others " qualities construction from the side of the involved objects ;

  11. 论品德心理结构的社会心理模式

    On the social psychological model of the psychological structure of morality

  12. 品德心理结构是品德心理研究的重要课题。

    Psychological structures of morality is one of the important research subjects .

  13. 我国品德心理结构研究综述

    A Summary of the Studies on Psychological Structures of Morality in China

  14. 警察院校学生品德特征结构与品德素质培育方法的探讨

    Probe into Method of Students ' Mora-Characteristic Structure & Moral-Quality Cultivation of Police Colleges

  15. 学生思想品德的结构、形成和发展问题,是教育工作者应研究的重要课题之一。

    Therefore this paper discusses the structure , the formation and the development of students ' ideological moral .

  16. 德育心理思想,论述德育的意义、品德的结构、德育与赏罚、德育的方法;

    The thought of moral educational psychology , including the sense , the constructure of moral character , rewards and punishments and the method ;

  17. 他们或者是围绕品德心理结构各侧面进行单项研究,或是在道德教育过程的某一点进行突破,或是集中研究如何为儿童提供榜样示范等等。

    They are moral or psychological structure around the side of the individual studies , or in the process of moral education to break through a certain point , or focus on how to provide role models for children , demonstrations and more .

  18. 本文试从心理学角度,就高职学生必备的品德心理结构形成过程及其变化规律,阐明若干教育途径和措施的心理学依据,使品德培养工作真正建立在科学的基础上,做到言之有据、有理。

    This paper is trying to explain psychological basis of some educational ways from view of psychology according to forming process of psychological structure that higher vocational students should have moral character to make our moral training work set up on scientific foundation .

  19. 成功的德育必须确定德育目标体系,使德育目标的教育要求由低到高,由浅入深,由品德内容结构到品德形成结构,横向贯通,纵向衔接,分层递进,螺旋上升。

    Successful moral education must determine target system and make the target requirements from low to high , from shallower to deeper . We should make the moral content structure and character formation have a relationship at crosswise and lengthways , and have a spiral rise .

  20. 试论思想品德的内在结构与形成过程

    Discussing the inside Construction and Formation Process of the Thought Moral Qualities

  21. 论思想品德的内在结构

    On the Inner Structure of a Person 's Thought and Moral Character

  22. 深入研究品德的心理结构是指引我们有效地进行品德教育的重要依据之一。

    A deep research on the psychological structure of morality is one of the most important bases for us to work on moral education .

  23. 高校体育教师的素质结构内容丰富,既有思想品德、知识结构、专业技能等方面的基本要求,又有教学观念、科研水平、创新能力等方面的较高要求。

    The content of college PE teachers ' quality is very wide . There are not only the basic demands of moral character , knowledge structure and specialized skills , but also the higher demands of teaching opinion , scientific research level and creative ability .

  24. 根据积淀特征可分为品德情境知识结构、品德理性知识结构和品德行为方式结构,相应地我们可以把德育内容分为情境性德育内容、理论性德育内容和实践性德育内容。

    We also can divide the moral education contents into situation moral contents , the theoretical moral contents and the practical moral contents according to the moral situational knowledge structure , moral qualities reasonable knowledge structure and moral qualities behavioral method structure from the side of accumulated character .

  25. 现代大学教师教学艺术的形成,除了具有一定的机制与动力外,还有其自身一些必不可少的因素和不可逾越的几个发展阶段,这些因素包括品德修养,知识结构,思维特点,个性特征;

    The formation of teaching art of modern university teachers , has some essential factors and insurmountable development stages of its own , with the exception of certain mechanism and motivity , these factors include moral cultivation , knowledge structure , personal characteristic ;

  26. 从品德教育的心理结构、内容层次、教育方法等3个方面,阐述了在品德课教育中注意教育的完整性是提高品德课教育的实效、促进学生道德素质发展的重要方式。

    The article elaborates that it is an important way to promote the efficiency of character education and enhance students ' moral quality by valuing the integrity of moral character teaching from the psychological formation , arrangement of contents and teaching method of the lesson .

  27. 学生品德评估应依据《公民道德实施纲要》、《德育大纲》及公民的品德结构和品德形成规律;

    It is stated in the article that the evaluation of the students ' morality should be according to " Citizen Ethics Implementation Outlines ", " moral education Outlines ", the ethics structure of people and the ethics-forming rules .