
  1. 多伦多证券交易所(tsx)首席执行官利时博(richardnesbitt)表示,整合正受到技术的驱动,而技术和员工是所有证交所的两大成本。

    Richard Nesbitt , chief executive of the Toronto Stock Exchange ( TSX ) , says consolidation is being driven by technology which - with staff - is one of the two big costs facing any exchange .

  2. 复利计利时不仅计算原始本金而且计算此前累计利息的利息计算方式。

    Compound Interest Interest which is calculated on the initial principal as well as the accumulated interest of prior periods .

  3. 不幸的是,他们是在帝国主义已经弊大于利时才开始修建帝国大厦。

    Unfortunately , they took up empire-building at precisely the moment when the costs of imperialism began to exceed the benefits .

  4. 当享有选择权的相对人认为向无权代理人追究其权利更有利时,则可主张狭义的无权代理。

    When the counterpart who has right to choose considered that his right to the unauthorized agent is more beneficial , he may claim the narrow unauthorized agency .

  5. 比如,访客在沃尔玛网站(Walmart.com)搜索清洁产品时,首先映入眼帘的或许就是利洁时旗下的产品Lysol,网站会提示这是获得赞助的搜索结果——跟谷歌(Google)付费搜索广告服务非常类似。

    So , a search on Walmart.com for cleaning products might list Lysol as the top result , with a note that the result is sponsored , similar to paid search ads on Google .

  6. 结果表明,在切削正火态45钢、灰铸铁、淬硬钢利不锈钢时,与YT15硬质合金刀具和YG8刀具相比,纳米改性金属陶瓷刀具寿命明显较高。

    Results show that in machining normalized medium carbon steel , gray cast iron , quenched steel and stainless steel cermets cutters with nano-TiN modifications definitely exhibit better cutting properties and longer tool life in comparison with cemented carbide cutters ( YT15 and YG8 ) and conventional cermets cutter .

  7. 利玫瑰花时,间隔要均匀。

    When you plant roses , space them out evenly .

  8. 现在佩里是利洁时电子商务团队的高级负责人。

    He 's now a senior leader on Reckitt 's e-commerce team .

  9. 这家公司目前正在跟上述所有零售商合作,向利洁时公司(ReckittBenckiser)这类客户销售广告位。

    The company works with all of the aforementioned retailers to sell placements for clients like Reckitt Benckiser .

  10. 穆拉什科称,只要英国日用品公司利洁时能够正确地完成登记流程,杜蕾斯还是可以回归俄罗斯市场的。

    Murashko said the condoms could be back on the market if their producer , British household goods firm Reckitt Benckiser , fulfilled the appropriate registration procedures .

  11. 每米管道热损失大于每米伴热电缆输出功率时,采用缠绕方式,以利维修时拆卸。

    When the heat loss of pipe exceeds power output of heating cable per meter , winding method should be adopted in order to contribute to detachment for maintenance .

  12. 其中一个组织的一位成员在英国消费品公司利洁时(ReckittBenckiser)工作,这家公司在新泽西州的帕西帕尼设有一个主要办事处。这位联系人同意与佩里交谈,但前提是佩里不要求推荐信。

    One fellow group member worked for Reckitt Benckiser , a British consumer-goods company with a major office in Parsippany , N.J. The contact agreed to speak with Mr. Perry on condition that he not ask for a reference .

  13. 莫沙必利联合选时穴位按摩与心理治疗对便秘型肠易激综合征的影响

    Effects of Mosapride Combined with Acupressure at Selected Time and Psychotherapy on Constipation-predominant of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  14. 当你衡量房屋拥有权的利与弊时这里有一些要点供你考虑。

    Here are a few points to consider as you weigh the pros and cons of home ownership .

  15. 直到今天下午他对来访者说起马利的名字时,他已经有七年没有想过他的合伙人了。

    He had not thought of his partner for seven years , until that afternoon , when he spoke Marley 's name to his visitors .

  16. 伊蒙学士以前的房间暖暖和和的,穆利拉开门时冒起的雾气让他俩都看不到东西了。

    Maester Aemon 's old chambers were so warm that the sudden cloud of steam when Mully pulled the door open was enough to blind the both of them .

  17. 他在面对手持利斧的杀人犯时会颤栗;也会对飓风灾难中人们的生死安危表示同情或担忧;同样也会因为自己是比赛中的获胜方而欢呼;读到关于孩子或狗狗的温情故事,也会为之动容,露出会心的笑容。

    He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder , shake his head sympathetically and safely at a hurricane , identify himself with the winning team , laugh understandingly at a warm little story of children or dogs .

  18. 同时分析了陶瓷废弃物再利用于环境设计时所表现出的各种价值。

    Also analyzed the ceramic waste recycling environmental design shown by the various values .

  19. 安迪正要拨谢利的电话号码时电话就响了。

    Andy was just about to dial Shelly 's number when the phone rang .

  20. 这可能与用利手作出反应时熟练程度更高,相对消耗的脑资源更少,可能有利于右半球优势的出现。

    The reason may be that handedness was so proficient that needed less brain resources .

  21. 当神要他送走以实马利和夏甲时,亚伯拉罕经历了信心上严峻的考验。

    Abraham underwent a sever test of faith when the Lord told him to send Ishmael and Hagar away .

  22. 每次韩利说这个故事时,都会引起一阵爆笑,而他还知道一二十个同样好笑的故事。

    When Henley told that story , you could bust a gut laughing , and he knew a dozen-no , two dozen-just as funny .

  23. 苏利在找阿布时,阿布发生了什么事情?莫那什作为澳大利亚最大的大学之一,它的国际知名度,研究和学术成果在世界上享有盛誉。

    What happened to Boo when Sulley was searching for her ? Monash University , as one of the largest university in Australia , is leading the way with its international focus , ground-breaking research and academic excellence .

  24. 事实是斯克罗吉同马利一样的吝啬,马利在世时也曾和斯克罗吉一样吝啬。

    What was true was that Scrooge was just as mean as Marley , and Marley had been just as mean as Scrooge .