
  • 网络Liebherr;Liebherr Group;Liebherr-CMCtec GmbH
  1. 比如发动机由CFM国际(GE和Safran企业集团)提供,起落架和气压系统来自德国航空供应商利勃海尔航空。

    So wurden beispielsweise die Motoren von CFM International geliefert - einem Gemeinschaftsunternehmen von General Electric und Safran . Fahrwerke und L ü ftungssysteme kommen vom deutschen Luftfahrtzulieferer Liebherr Aerospace .

  2. 现在利勃海尔集团在5个地点生产航空部件。

    The Liebherr group now produces aviation equipment at five locations .

  3. 利勃海尔混凝土搅拌车的优势使其成为最佳选择,为客户带来更高的利益。

    Advantages of the liebherr-truck mixer amount to an optimum utility value for more profit .

  4. 利勃海尔宇航将以比以往更大的规模参加第47届巴黎国际航展。

    Liebherr-Aerospace will have a stronger presence than ever at The47th International Paris air show .

  5. 下图提供了利勃海尔计划参与的完整说明,并分别与有关系统相连接。

    The following scheme provides the full account of active Liebherr programme participation and connects to the systems applied respectively .

  6. 在修改和更新整个利勃海尔搅拌车计划时,长使用寿命和最小的维护量是我们的目标。

    Long operating life and minimum maintenance effort were the targets when the entire Liebherr truck mixer model programme was revised and updated .

  7. 如海尔1984年同德国电冰箱公司合作的“利勃海尔”,就为海尔后来的发展奠定了良好的基础。

    For example , in1984 , Haier cooperated with a German refrigerator corporation to produce " Liebherr ", which was the foundation of Haier 's later development .

  8. 在欢迎致辞上,威利?利勃海尔强调了利勃海尔集团持续的发展,得益于创新力的开发,以及以传统为本的家族企业的优势。

    In his welcome speech , Willi Liebherr underlined the Liebherr group 's sustained growth policy , which draws on innovative power and the strengths of a family business steeped in tradition .

  9. 在获得利勃海尔的明确书面许可之前,禁止复制、流通或更改网站内容或其一部分用于商业用途。

    Without the prior and express written permission of Liebherr it is prohibited to copy , distribute or modify the content of the website or any portion of it for commercial use .

  10. 凭借其先进的轨道交通空调系统和液压系统技术,利勃海尔交通系统有限公司是庞巴迪,西门子,阿尔斯通等国际轨道车辆生产企业的主要空调系统供应商。

    With its advanced technology in railway vehicle 's air-conditioning systems and hydraulic pressure control systems , LVF is one supplier of the main air-conditioning systems for those big railway vehicle manufacturers such as siemens , Bombardier and alstom .