
  1. 麦利喊叫道,走在最前面的人跑了起来。

    Shouted Merry ; and the foremost broke into a run .

  2. 到了的时候,以利正在道旁坐在自己的位上观望,为神的约柜心里担忧。

    And when he came , lo , Eli sat upon a seat by the wayside watching : for his heart trembled for the ark of god .

  3. 这些报道是如此传奇以至于鲍尔记在心里了。1976年一个夜晚喝过酒后,他对好朋友车利建议道:“我们去把那弄得像飞碟刚刚着陆过吧。”

    It was such legends that Bower had in mind when , over a drink one evening in1976 , he suggested to his pal Chorley : " Let 's go over there and make it look like a flying saucer has landed . "

  4. “是福林特,我的”麦利失声惊叫道。

    ' it 's flint , by - ! 'cried merry .

  5. 这样的人异教徒中有些人曾冒充过,如克瑞蒂人埃辟曼尼底斯罗马人努马西西利人安辟道克利斯和蒂安那人阿波郎尼亚斯是也;

    as Epimenides the Canadian , Numa the Roman , Empedocles the Sicilian , and Apollonius of Tyana ;

  6. 兼相爱交相利&论商业道德利人利已对中国古代自利人描述和西方经济人假设的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis between Self-profit Described by Chinese Scholars in Former Qin-Dynasty and Economic Man Hypothesis in the Western

  7. 我们不象那许多人,为利混乱神的道;乃是由于诚实,由于神,在神面前凭着基督讲道。

    For we are not as many , which corrupt the word of God : but as of sincerity , but as of God , in the sight of God speak we in Christ .