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  1. 她高高兴兴地容忍韦兰家客厅里的紫缎子与黄栽绒,以及里面的赝品镶木桌与时新的萨克森蓝镀金玻璃框。

    She submitted cheerfully to the purple satin and yellow tuftings of the Welland drawing-room , to its sham Buhl tables and gilt vitrines full of modern Saxe .

  2. 我想把其他的事全部忘掉,重新变成一个彻底的美国人,就像明戈特家和韦兰家的人一样,像你和你令人愉快的母亲,以及今晚在这里的所有其他的好人一样。

    I want to forget everything else , to become a complete American again , like the Mingotts and Wellands , and you and your delightful mother , and all the other good people here tonight .

  3. 她是韦奇伍德家的远亲。

    She was distantly connected with the Wedgwood family .

  4. 电影曾在韦登的家中拍摄了12天的时间,电影是用黑白片拍摄的。

    It was filmed in black and white at Whedon 's home in California over a period of 12 days .

  5. 他与韦兰一家一起吃的午饭,指望饭后带着梅到公园去散散步。

    He had lunched with the Wellands , hoping afterward to carry off May for a walk in the Park .

  6. 他和队理教练上周四在拉斯韦加斯的一家酒店中见到了易建联这个7尺前景不错的队员,劝说易建联使他相信为雄鹿效力是很合适的。

    He and coach Larry Krystkowiak met with the7-foot prospect on Thursday at a Las Vegas hotel in hopes of convincing him that Milwaukee would be a good fit .