
  • 网络Wayne County;Wayne County, Pennsylvania;Wayne County, North Carolina;Wayne County, New York
  1. 韦恩县的全安琪小姐,在马斯基根(美国密歇根州西部港市)举办的盛会中,赢得了该州“美国小姐”桂冠。

    Miss Wayne County Arianna Quan has been crowned Miss Michigan at the pageant in Muskegon .

  2. 韦福对警方说,他认为麦克布莱德闯进了他的家,可是韦恩县检察官金·沃斯表示,证据证明这是起谋杀。

    Wafer told the police he thought McBride was breaking in , but Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy says the evidence warns a murder charge .

  3. “底特律精神”雕塑、大使桥、利文斯灯塔、贝尔岛喷泉、韦恩县大厦。都是百丽岛和市区的历史地标。

    Spirit of Detroit , Ambassador Bridge , Livingstone Lighthouse , Belle Isle Fountain , Wayne County Building.All historic landmarks on Belle Isle and downtown .