
  • 网络danville;Denville
  1. 丹维尔,肯塔基是美国历史的核心。

    Danville , Kentucky is at the heart of American history .

  2. 在弗吉尼亚,丹维尔联合大学今年不再对同学进行经济援助。

    In Virginia , Danville Community College began turning students away this year .

  3. 丹维尔提出小城镇生活出最佳状态。

    Danville offers small town living at its best .

  4. 我们期盼着继续成为丹维尔社会的一份子。

    We look forward to becoming a continued part of the Danville community .

  5. 万众瞩目副总统候选人今晚将在肯塔基州,丹维尔聚集。

    The vice presidential candidates will take center stage tonight in Danville , Kentucky .

  6. 这场辩论将在肯塔基州的丹维尔中心大学进行直播。

    The show will be on the staged at Centre College in Danville , Kentucky .

  7. 肯塔基州丹维尔市的黛安娜雷很熟悉苏打水成瘾的副作用。

    Diana Ray of Danville , Ky. , is familiar with the negative effects of soda addiction .

  8. 继去年秋天宣布日本烟草国际公司将落户丹维尔之后,这家工厂正式开业。

    The opening of the facility follows last fall 's announcement that the company would be locating in Danville .

  9. 埃文的丹维尔,加利福尼亚州,O'Dorney赢得了今年的英特尔科学天才搜索十万美元大奖。

    Evan O'Dorney of Danville , California , won the top award of one hundred thousand dollars in this year 's Intel Science Talent Search .

  10. 我们非常幸运,能够利用丹维尔丰富的烟草传统和熟练的劳动力,今天标志着我们这里的工厂正式开始运营,对此,我们也非常兴奋。

    We 've been fortunate enough to tap into Danville 's rich tobacco heritage and seasoned workforce , and are excited that today marks the start of our operations here .