
  • 网络danfoss;SAUER-DANFOSS;Danforth
  1. 本文介绍了丹佛斯FC300变频器开环驱动交流永磁同步电机的经验和改善开环控制精度的办法。

    The thesis will discuss the Danfoss FC300 drive 's application experience in open-loop PM motor control and the methods to improve the shaft performance .

  2. 丹佛斯变频器可以开环或闭环方式驱动交流永磁同步电机。

    Danfoss Variable speed driver can drive the permanent magnetic motor via open-loop or close-loop method .

  3. 丹佛斯富懋在中国制冷产品销售和分销网络中处于领先地位。

    Danfoss Fumao is a leading supplier to China 's largest refrigeration sales and distribution network .

  4. 在内蒙开拓区域供热市场,推广丹佛斯控制阀门以及相关产品。

    Develop district heating market and promote Danfoss control valves and related products in Inner Mongolia .

  5. 丹佛斯的运动控制器有很强的用户定制编程功能和高精度的同步控制特性。

    Danfoss Motion Controller has enhanced custom orientating program function and high precision of synchronizing control property .

  6. 本文介绍了采用丹佛斯运动控制器解决去应力控制难题的办法和经验。

    The document will discuss the resolution and experience of Danfoss Motion Controller used in stress-relieving control .

  7. 本文介绍了用丹佛斯变频器和中心卷绕卡实现带张力锥度控制要求的中心卷绕的办法和经验。

    The document will discuss the solution and experience of Danfoss center winder option card used in stress-relieving control .

  8. 丹佛斯地面水采暖提供广泛的产品,易于安装并提供理想的温度控制。

    Danfoss Floor Heating Hydronics is offering a wide range of hydronic floor heating controls , easy to install and providing optimum temperature control .

  9. 道兹和丹佛斯说最近的社会科学数据显示人们在各个年龄阶段的感觉基本上都差不多,而他们俩的调查结果却与之相反。

    They said their results also ran contrary to recent social science data that suggested people basically feel the same at all ages of life .

  10. 节流装置采用丹佛斯膨胀阀,自动调节开启度,从而保证不同阶段的适合流量;

    Danfoss expansion valve throttling device used to automatically open the degree of adjustment in order to ensure the suitability of different stages of flow ;

  11. 对丹佛斯电热地暖的研究是为了宣扬一种安全,健康,自然,环保的健康取暖新理念。

    Danfoss heating and warming of the study was designed to promote a safe , healthy , natural , environmental protection , health heating new ideas .

  12. 丹佛斯的运动控制卡有很高精度的控制能力,加上丹佛斯专为卷绕行业开发的中心卷绕程序,能很好地解决这个问题。

    Danfoss 's motion control card has high precision control ability , add the software developed by Danfoss specially for center winder , it can been used in these application .

  13. 一个答案就是由克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯饰演可怕的丹佛斯太太,这一高明的选角足以证明这部新片存在的价值。

    Well , one answer is to have Kristin Scott Thomas as the formidable Mrs Danvers , a stroke of casting genius which is enough to justify the film 's existence .

  14. 为你的健康干杯,丹佛斯爵士!他大笑着喝了药。先是一阵剧痛,随后可怜的亨利·杰基尔跪倒在地,乞求上帝的饶恕。

    ' Your very good health , SirDanvers ! 'he laughed as he drank . A moment of terrible pain , then poor Henry Jekyll fell to his knees and begged God to forgive him .