
  • Legal Person Name;【法】name of judicial person
  1. 试论企业法人名称权性质与继承

    The Nature and Inheritance of the Title Right of An Enterprise as Legal Person

  2. 法人的名称权、名誉权、荣誉权受到侵害的,适用前款规定。

    The above paragraph shall also apply to infringements upon a legal person 's right of name , reputation or honour .

  3. 拟注册的香港公司名称与根据其他条例成立或设立的法人团体的名称相同;

    The protocol name of HK company is as the same as a company institution 's name . ( registered by other rules . )

  4. 若发行人的控股股东或实际控制人为法人,应披露该法人的名称及其股东。

    If the controlling shareholder or actual controller of an issuer is a legal person , the name and shareholders of such legal person shall be disclosed .

  5. 公司向发起人、法人发行的股票,应当为记名股票,并应当记载该发起人、法人的名称或者姓名,不得另立户名或者以代表人姓名记名。

    The stocks issued to initiators or juridical persons shall be registered stocks , which shall state the names of such initiators or juridical persons , and shall not be registered in any other person 's name or the name of any representative .