
fǎ lǜ lòu dònɡ
  • gap in law;legal loophole
  1. 初步提出了构建我国股东代表诉讼制度的立法指导思想和基本轮廓,对股东代表诉讼案件的审理提供法理上的支持,填补法律漏洞,使小股东的权利能够得到有效的保障。

    Hopefully this Paper will provide support of jurisprudence for practical cases of shareholders representative action , and remedy the gap in law stipulation , in that way the interests of small shareholders would be protected effectively .

  2. 法律漏洞的客观存在,要求法官必须予以补救。

    It is necessary for judge to remedy the unavoidable legal loophole .

  3. 据估计,每逢周日开门营业的店铺有6万家,通过钻法律漏洞躲避检控。

    It is estimated that 60,000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution .

  4. 第一章为法律漏洞的概念与基本学说。

    The first chapter is about the Concepts and basic theory .

  5. 请了个手段高超的律师,精通所有的法律漏洞最终他被无罪释放

    he hired a fancy lawyer who knew all the loopholes .

  6. 现在剩下要做的是堵住法律漏洞。

    Now all that remains is to remove the loopholes .

  7. 内容不完备,法律漏洞多;

    The law - body making is incomplete with many legal loopholes ;

  8. 论土地储备中的法律漏洞及其完善

    On the Shortcoming of the Law of Land Reserve and Its Improvement

  9. 赠与配偶的礼物是免税的,这是一个天衣无缝的法律漏洞。

    The tax-free gift to the spouse is a perfectly legal loophole .

  10. 法无明文规定下的民事审判&论修补法律漏洞的裁判制度

    Civil Trial without Law Provisions & From Perspective of Fixing Legal Loopholes

  11. 信用证机制的法律漏洞和立法救济

    Legal Loophole and Remedy by Legislation of the Mechanism of Letter of Credit

  12. 公约形成过程中的妥协性造成了公约本身存在许多模糊之处及法律漏洞。

    And the compromise of CISG renders there are some ambiguity and gaps .

  13. 法律漏洞的语境分析

    An Analysis of The Context of The Law Gap

  14. 因此中国做的是利用法律漏洞而不是减少从伊朗进口。

    So rather than cutting imports , China has resorted to exploiting loopholes .

  15. 但这部法律漏洞很多,很多地方不完善,人们称其为不赔法。

    But this law has many loopholes and many points need to perfect .

  16. 论法律漏洞及其补充

    On the Loophole in Law and its Supplement

  17. 法律漏洞与自由裁量

    The Leak of Law And Free Re free

  18. 本文主要阐述的问题是指导性案例与法律漏洞的补充。

    This article discusses the problem of instructive cases and complements of the legal loopholes .

  19. 类推在弥补法律漏洞中的适用

    The Application of Analogy in Legal Loopholes

  20. 然而另一种填补法律漏洞的立法手段&法律推定,却发挥着与法律拟制不同的作用。

    However , the presumption of law plays a different role with the legal fiction .

  21. 从民法解释学角度论《合同法》第51条的法律漏洞及补救

    On Leak and Remedy of Item 51 in Contract Law from Civil Law Explanative View

  22. 民间法于法律漏洞补充中的功能探析

    An Analysis of the Function of the Folk Law as a Remedy for Legal Loopholes

  23. 指出了允许对案件的一部分先行调解这一新规定的法律漏洞;

    Pointing out the legal loophole in the new regulation permitting part conciliation for some cases ;

  24. 这个法律漏洞提供了一个机会。

    This loophole offered an opportunity .

  25. 民法解释的目的在于法律漏洞补充,而其基本思考方法是利益衡量。

    The interpretation of the civil law is to complement its loopholes through the way of interests ?

  26. 中国是具有悠久成文法传统的国家,法院裁判主要以立法规定为依据,但由于法律漏洞的存在,司法造法在司法实践中便不可避免地存在。

    However , there exists legal loop holes so judicial law-making occurs unavoidably in the judicial practice .

  27. 不幸的是,主张“开放边境”的民主党支持的,就是让这些家庭免于被拘留和一起遣送的法律漏洞。

    Unfortunately , open-border Democrats support the loopholes that prevent families from being detained and removed together .

  28. 法律漏洞可采用类推、目的论限缩、利益衡量等方法进行补充。

    The loopholes in law can be supplemented with the ways of deduction and the measurement of profits etc.

  29. 法律漏洞有多种类型,其存在有多方面的原因,具有客观性和必然性。

    The legal loophole whose existence is inevitable and objective and caused in many ways takes on diversifiable types .

  30. 然而,在我国法律漏洞补充的司法实践中,指导性案例并没有起到其应有的作用。

    However , in our judicial practice on legal loopholes , typical cases do not play its due role .