
  • 网络Business ethics;Ethical Business;The Essence of Business Ethics
  1. 罗莎宗是曼彻斯特商学院(manchesterbusinessschool)商业伦理和企业社会责任学教授。

    MS Chun is a professor of business ethics and corporate social responsibility at Manchester Business School .

  2. 2006年发表于《商业伦理期刊》(JournalofBusinessEthics)的一篇文章调查了268名来自不同领域的学生对欺骗的看法。

    In a 2006 paper published in the Journal of business ethics , researchers surveyed 268 students in various fields about cheating .

  3. 论我国MBA商业伦理教育目标体系的构建

    A Study on the Objective System for the Business Ethics Education for Chinese MBA

  4. 中国MBA商业伦理和职业道德现状实证研究

    Empirical Study on the status qua of Business Ethics and Professional Moral of Chinese MBA

  5. 目的、目标、子目标共同构建三层次的MBA商业伦理教育目标体系。

    The objective system of business ethics education for Chinese MBA is built in this paper .

  6. 诺丁汉大学商学院(NottinghamUniversityBusinessSchool)及剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)佳奇管理学院(JudgeBusinessSchool)在各自网站的显著位置宣传商业伦理与公司治理课程。

    The University of Nottingham 's Business School and Cambridge University 's Judge Business School both promote business ethics and corporate governance courses clearly on their websites .

  7. 本文从我国社会现实需求出发,确定我国MBA商业伦理教育的目的是培养道德型领导。

    The goal and the objectives of the business ethics education for Chinese MBA are studied in this paper .

  8. 进而从知识、技能、价值观三个层次上将MBA商业伦理教育目标分解为可衡量、易评价的子目标。

    The sub-objectives of the education are determined by breaking down the education objectives from the three levels of knowledge , skill , and value .

  9. 伦敦大学伯克贝克学院(BirkbeckCollege)就开设了一个名为公司治理与商业伦理的两年制硕士学位项目。

    London University 's Birkbeck College offers precisely this with a two-year Master of Science degree entitled corporate governance and business ethics .

  10. MBA仍然有他们的优势,例如他们在商业伦理和领导力领域有较多的训练,在日益国际化的顶尖商学院里获得了国际化的特质。

    MBAs will serve themselves well by highlighting their coursework in areas such as ethics and leadership , and the increasingly international nature of the top business school programmes .

  11. 在哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)从事了商业伦理领域的工作,随后又担任了国际mba教育方面的顾问后,我开始怀疑:教授这门课程本身究竟是否合乎伦理?

    After working in the field of business ethics at Harvard Business School and later as a consultant on Global MBA education , I began to wonder if it was even ethical to try to teach the subject .

  12. 最后,论文以ABC公司为例,具体分析和说明了该公司商业伦理文化,并提出了重构建议。

    Finally , the paper , taking Anhui Sun Create Electronics Co. , Ltd , for example , concretely analyzed and explained business ethics culture of the company , and made a reconstruction proposal .

  13. 西班牙纳瓦拉大学(UniversityofNavarra)哲学系商业伦理教授阿莱霍?西松(AlejoSison)写过大量关于亚洲腐败的文章,尤其是在他的祖国菲律宾。

    Alejo Sison , professor of business ethics in the philosophy department of the University of Navarra , Spain , has written widely on corruption in Asia , especially in his native Philippines .

  14. 《案例》:威赛瑞尔联合有限公司&追求商业伦理的光辉典范

    Wetherill Associates , Inc. & The Glorious Pursuit of Business Ethics

  15. 明清时期的商业伦理体系

    Business Ethics System in the Period of Ming and Qing Dynasties

  16. 商业伦理精神的含义到底是什么?

    What on earth is the implication of business ethical spirit ?

  17. 论古代通俗小说中儒家文化与商业伦理的构建

    Theory of Ancient Popular Novel Confucian Culture and Business Ethics Construction

  18. 论现代商业伦理特性、内涵及其核心问题

    On Traits , Connotation and Core issues of Modern Business Ethic

  19. 商业伦理的中西方比较研究

    A Comparative Research on the Chinese and Western Business Ethics

  20. 诚信&中国传统商业伦理资源的当代价值

    Contemporary Value of the Chinese Traditional Business Ethics : Sincerity and Credit

  21. 试论徽商的商业伦理及其现代启示

    On the Commercial Ethics and Modern Value of Huizhou Businessmen

  22. 任人唯贤的理念将渗透到商业伦理和企业过程中。

    An ethos of meritocracy will permeate business ethics and corporate processes .

  23. 我们应该用怎样的视角观察当代商业伦理精神?

    Should we observe temporary business ethical spirit with which visual view ?

  24. 晋商的商业伦理及其现代价值研究

    The Research on Shanxi Merchants ' Commercial Ethics and Its Modern Value

  25. 商业伦理的基本原则及其建设

    The Basic Principle and Construction of the Ethic of Commerce

  26. 接着,进一步挖掘晋商商业伦理的现代价值。

    Then it explores the modern values of Shanxi merchants ' commercial ethics .

  27. 医疗伦理和商业伦理是相互联系的。

    Medical ethics and business ethics are often intertwined .

  28. 即使不根据商业伦理。

    Not according to business ethic department , though .

  29. 在工商及管理学院开设商业伦理必修课;

    Business ethics and relevant courses should be offered in business and management schools .

  30. 晋商商业伦理精神与市场经济

    Shanxi Businessmen 's Ethics Spirit and Market Economy