
  1. 中国银监会正式发布《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》,进一步强化资本约束管理,经济资本成为了商业银行稀缺资源,制约着商业银行资产规模快速增长。

    China Banking Regulatory Commission formally published " The Capital management of commercial banks ( for Trial Implementation )", and economic capital became the scarce resource , limiting the rapid development of commercial bank capital scale .

  2. 中国资本充足监管框架的形成及其市场影响&兼论巴塞尔新资本协议与《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》的比较

    The Formation of the Supervision Framework of Capital Adequacy in China and Its Effects on the Market

  3. 2004年银监会颁布的《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》更加完善了对资本充足率的管理要求。

    In 2004 , Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) promulgated again " Commercial Bank Capital Adequacy Ratio Management Method ", which perfects the requirement of the CAR management .

  4. 同时,根据《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》的要求,与贸易相关的短期或有负债信用转换系数仅为20%,远远低于普通贷款业务的100%。

    Meanwhile , according to the " capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks management practices ", the conversion factor of the trade-related liabilities , or the short-term credit was only 20 % , which is far below the ordinary business loans of 100 % .