
  • 网络commercial kitchen
  1. 商用厨房空气品质的控制

    The control of air quality in commercial kitchen

  2. 补风方式对商用厨房空气品质影响的探讨

    The discussion of the influence of the pattern how to introduce makeup air on air quality in commercial kitchen

  3. 我国商用厨房火灾危险分析及对策研究

    Analysis on the Fire Risk of Commercial Kitchens in China and Its Countermeasures

  4. 研究了商用厨房环境的空气品质,阐明了补风对排风罩性能的影响。

    The report illustrates the influence of makeup air on exhaust hood performance .

  5. 对用不同灭火剂商用厨房火灾的不同效果进行了试验研究。

    An experimental study on the fire suppression flexibility for commercial cooking fire with different agents was performed .

  6. 为本地及海外的酒店、餐厅及连锁店等提供及制造不锈钢商用厨房设备。

    Provide stainless steel kitchen and catering equipment to hotels , restaurants and chain stores both locally and overseas .

  7. 商用厨房室内环境质量评价与控制研究我国商用厨房火灾危险分析及对策研究

    Studies of Indoor Environmental Quality and Its Control Strategies of Commercial Kitchen ; Analysis on the Fire Risk of Commercial Kitchens in China and Its Countermeasures

  8. 综合比较两种补风方式,天花板顶部补风方式比气幕式补风对排风罩捕获能力的影响较小,这有助于实现商用厨房建筑的最优化通风设计。

    In general , the influence of ceiling makeup air supply style on the capture and contain capability of the wall-mounted oil fume hood is less than the air curtain makeup supply style . The report helps engineers to achieve the optimization of kitchen ventilation system design .

  9. 所有面包将被传送到后面的一架大型机器,这架机器也许有20米宽,6米高,远远大于任何商用的厨房烤箱。

    From there everything passed to a vast machine at the back , probably 20 metres wide and 6 metres high , far bigger than any set of commercial kitchen ovens .