
  1. 在背景音乐的伴随下,客户们观看、触摸着样品花岗岩橱柜台面,喝着软饮、啤酒和红酒。

    Clients view and touch sample finishes such as granite countertops while they listen to music played in the background , and drink soft drinks , beer or wine .

  2. 宽敞的生活区有拱形的天花板,厨房的橱柜和台面都是原装的。

    The spacious living area has a vaulted ceiling , and the kitchen cabinets and countertops are original .

  3. 台面市场,随着整体橱柜消费市场的不断增长,橱柜台面也开始走向多元化和专业化。

    In table marketing , with the continuous growth of Whole Cupboard consumer market , kitchen cabinet is trending diversification and specialization .