
  • 网络Window design;window display;Shop-window Display
  1. 纽约曼哈顿第五大道橱窗设计

    Window Display Design on the 5th Avenue in Manhattan , New York

  2. 版式设计意识介入商业橱窗设计

    Introduction of the Format Design Sense to Commercial Window Design

  3. 尽管Zara的橱窗设计是西班牙总部制定的,但店员可就改进本地的设计提出建议,将快照传回总部审批。

    Although window displays in Zara are modelled in Spain , shop assistants can suggest local improvements , sending snapshots back to head office for approval .

  4. 最近一直在走街附近游荡,发现了Illum百货商场的四面都有美丽的橱窗设计,于是赶紧用相机拍下来了。

    Recently I 've being walking on the walking street , founding there are many illum 's beautiful show window designs . I keep them by my camera .

  5. 这个橱窗设计造型活泼。

    This shop window is of a vivid design .

  6. 橱窗设计艺术创意(一)&运动休闲篇

    Art and Design for Show Windows (ⅰ) & A canto for sport and recreation

  7. 商场的橱窗设计简直就是艺术品。

    Shop windows are works of art .

  8. 浅谈商业橱窗设计

    On the Design of Trade Display Windows

  9. 因而,我们必须提高我国的商业橱窗设计水平,寻找改进创新的方法。

    Therefore , we must look for the methods to improve the design level of our business window .

  10. 冈萨雷斯指出,这种大数据技术可以让商家和营销人员明白怎样才能更好地开展广告宣传活动,或者告诉他们今后怎样更好地进行橱窗设计。

    This type of big data can inform merchandisers and marketers on how to better position and target campaigns or window designs in the future , Gonzalez adds .

  11. 商业采用大面积的橱窗设计,配大量的灯光,最大限度的烘托出商业氛围。

    The business adopts the showroom design of the big area , going together with a great deal of light , utmost set off by contrast a business atmosphere .

  12. 节日橱窗陈列设计刍议

    Tentative Suggestions for Shopwindow Display in Festivals

  13. 将版式设计的意识介入到橱窗展示设计中,这不但是二维设计与三维设计知识互通的体现,更是为橱窗设计的成熟发展提供了强大的理论平台。

    The introduction of the format design sense not only represents the implementation of the 2D and 3D design knowledge , but provides a powerful theory for commercial window design .

  14. 本文通过对消费者潜意识的分析,分别依据主题建立了共识心智模型图,并将图中的关键构念转化为具体的设计要素应用在服装橱窗的设计中。

    In this paper , an analysis of the consumer unconscious , namely the establishment of a consensus based on the theme mental model diagram , and a key figure in the constructs into concrete design elements used in apparel design window .

  15. 一方面立足于现有的橱窗展示设计研究成果和发展状况,分析橱窗展示设计意境营造的方法和原则;另一方面,也尝试在环境艺术设计领域中的继承和创新方面做出有价值的探索。

    On the one hand , the thesis analyzes conception of creating a display window design methods and principles which based on the research results . On the other hand , the thesis attempts to the innovation aspect which valuable in inheritance and development of the environment art design .

  16. 橱窗不应被遗忘或被忽视,经营者应从战略上高度重视橱窗的建立和设计技巧,并强化橱窗管理。

    The managers should pay attention to their establishment and design strategically , and strengthen the management to them .

  17. 第一部分,分析了商业橱窗客观动的相关要素,分别阐述每个要素的特点、所带来的效果和如何运用在橱窗设计当中。

    The first part , analysing the commercial window " objective " elements , respectively on each element characteristics , the effect and how to use in the show window design .