
  • 网络Club;business club
  1. 西安市曲江商务会所1区钢结构设计

    Design of the steel structure of block 1 at Qujiang Commercial Club Building in Xi'an City

  2. 那简直就是一个高档的私人商务会所。

    It looks more a private club than a hotel lounge .

  3. 成都商务会所提高服务质量的措施研究

    Study on the Improvement of Service Quality of Chengdu Business Clubs

  4. 商务会所就是为现代商务人士提供社交活动配套服务的场所。

    Supporting service is provided by Commerce club for social activities of modern commercial persons .

  5. 水的表情苏州水晶之恋商务会所室内设计

    Love of Crystals The Expression of Water

  6. 同时,配套建设酒店、商务会所、会展中心、住宅等服务设施。

    Hotels , business centers , exhibition centers and residential houses will also be built around BIIIB .

  7. 商务会所又可以称为公共会所,顾名思义,它主要为商务行动提供相应的服务的会所。

    Business chamber could be called public clubhouse , just as its name implies , it mainly provide services for business operations .

  8. 西安曲江商务会所集餐饮、宾馆、购物、银行、休闲、会议等功能于一体,建筑造型独特。

    Qujiang Commercial Club Building in Xi'an is a multifunctional one that consists of the functions of restaurant , hotel , shopping , bank , recreation site and meeting centre etc.

  9. 本文以无锡某商务会所智能化设计为背景,研制了智能会所监控系统。

    This paper is proposed with the background of intelligent design in Wuxi business club , which confirms to the modern building intelligent control trend . Based on the concept of intelligent building , an intelligent club monitoring system is developed .

  10. 完善现有休闲体育设施,打造高端商务运动会所。

    Improving the existing sports facilities , and establishing the high-end commercial sports club .

  11. 我们的团队运作的东方道易商务文化会所专注于策划举办企业精英们的文化商务交流活动。

    We operate out of the office of Orient Daoyi Business Culture Venue , we group 's company that assists business elites to communicate culture and fortune .