
ā fēi
  • hooligan;hoodlum;Teddy boy;tearaway;Ted;a young street rowdy;a youth given to rowdy behavior
阿飞 [ā fēi]
  • [Teddy boy;beatnik;hippie(hippy);a youth given to rowdy behaviour and queer dress] 穿着奇特服装、行为轻薄的青少年流氓

  1. 他很快得了个小阿飞的称号。

    He is fast getting a reputation as a young punk .

  2. 他是有点像个阿飞,但心眼儿不错。

    He is a bit of a tearaway but his heart is in the right place .

  3. 只有讨厌的二半调子才(小阿飞)会打女人。

    Only a lousy two-bit punk would ever hit a woman .

  4. 我爸爸坚持不让我们和那些阿飞说话。

    My father insisted that we mustn 't talk to the teds .

  5. 这里有适合年轻人的流行的阿飞类型商店吗?

    Is there a popular punk type shop catering to the youth here ?

  6. 没有真爱,我们只是白活,阿飞。

    Without true love we just exist , Alfie .

  7. 我以为是那些小阿飞,但是门口并没有人。

    I thought it was those punks , but no one was there .

  8. 问:拍《阿飞正传》一定是你非常特别的经历吧?

    Q. " Days of being wild " must be a very different experience ?

  9. 你是说成为一个纯正的小阿飞?

    You Mean Being A Straight Up Punk ?

  10. 我和阿飞在一起。

    I 'm with the skater boy .

  11. 问:甚至拍《阿飞正传》的时候也没告诉你什么?

    Q.Even in " Days of being wild " didn 't he tell you anything ?

  12. 他是个十足放荡不羁的小阿飞。

    He 's a real young tearaway !

  13. 杰克收到了女友的分别信,由于他伤了她的心了,阿飞新浪博客。

    Jack received a Dear John letter from his girlfriend because he has broken her heart .

  14. 你们这些阿飞给我回来。

    Come back here you punks .

  15. 他冷然地拒绝了我提的不要去看阿飞们吵架的建议。

    He spurned my suggestion that he shouldn 't go and see the brawl of the hoodlums .

  16. 他在学校里是十足的小阿飞,总是受老师或警察的训斥。

    He was a real tearaway at school & he was always in trouble with teachers or with the police .

  17. 噢,不,不行!我的女儿可不能看起来像个怪物或者阿飞。

    Oh no , you don 't ! No daughter of mine is going to look like a freak or a punk !

  18. 由原《飞·奇幻世界》副主编阿飞主编的《阿飞幻想》系列图书第一辑已于近日上市。

    The first installment of A-Fei 's Fantasy , a series produced by former Fantasy World deputy editor A-Fei , is out .

  19. 1955年主演《阿飞正传》,饰演一个洛杉矶问题少年吉姆·斯达克。

    In1955 James starred in the film Rebel without a Cause , in which he played the character of troubled Los Angeles teenager Jim Stark .

  20. 阿飞1观看着同一个节目,关上了电视,捡起一把自动步枪,转向阿飞3。

    Punk # 1 , watching the same program , switches off the TV , picks up an automatic rifle and turns to Punk # 3 .

  21. 张国荣还与梁朝伟主演王家卫的许多著名电影,像《春光乍泄》(1997)和《阿飞正传》(1991)。

    Cheung also starred with Tony Leung in many of Wong 's famous movies such as Happy Together ( 1997 ) and Days of Being Wild ( 1991 ) .

  22. 在这些世界中,玩家通常支付月费,换取一个权利,去探索细节极为丰富的三维世界。这些世界里居住着龙或者外星人,在有些情况下,或者还居住着小阿飞和脱衣舞娘。

    In such worlds , players usually pay a monthly fee for the right to explore richly detailed three-dimensional landscapes inhabited by dragons or aliens or , in some cases , punks and strippers .

  23. 当两名陪同阿飞去洗手间的警卫解开他的手铐时,阿飞将警卫推进隔间当中并将迅速将挂锁扣在了同伙事先打在门上的螺丝孔中。

    Two guards escorted him to the toilet , but when they removed his handcuffs Alfie bundled the men into the cubicle and snapped the padlock onto screw eyes that his accomplices had earlier fixed to the door .