
  • 网络Pants;cropped;Capri pants;only
  1. 我们这有弹力七分裤,很薄很舒适。

    We have stretch cropped pants that are very light and comfortable .

  2. 避免七分裤,这会让你的双腿看上去更短。

    Avoid capri pants , which shorten the legs .

  3. 消化设计(DigestDesign)的设计师DoolingJiang也是采用传统方式,具体说来,是用古代裁剪方法创造概念化的服装,比如以风景为灵感的衬衣和七分裤套装;

    Dooling Jiang of Digest Design also uses a traditional approach , in her case ancient cutting techniques , to create conceptual pieces like a landscape-inspired shirt-and-cropped-trouser combo ;

  4. 这位27岁的演员身着宽松的背心搭配七分裤、UGG的靴子和一件带拉链的外套,她做完锻炼正在走回家的路上。

    The 27-year-old actress wore a loose-fitting vest top with cropped leggings , UGG boots and a zip-up jacket as she made her way home after the workout session .

  5. 来自洛杉矶的设计师罗塞塔盖蒂(RosettaGetty)推出由纯棉衬衣式长款连衣裙、无袖羊绒衫以及宽腿七分裤构成的休闲款奢侈装后,拥趸趋之若鹜——随着气温不断转凉,它们是随箱携带的理想行头。

    LA-based Rosetta Getty is attracting fans with a version of laid-back luxury delivered in the shape of long cotton shirt-dresses , sleeveless cashmere cardigans and wide-leg cropped trousers - all ideal for layering as temperatures fall .

  6. 斯杜比太太我不想要七分裤

    Mrs. Steuby , I don 't want pedal pushers .

  7. 极具民俗手工质感的小背心,与七分裤合奏随性的优雅情调。

    Have a little undershirt of the craft feel of folk custom very much , with the willful and graceful sentiment of tutti of seven-inch trousers .

  8. 在圣潘克拉斯火车站,鸟叔短暂停留任人们拍照,并为前来的粉丝签名。鸟叔身着一件无袖皮夹克搭配牛仔七分裤,带着缀黄边的太阳眼镜。

    He stopped briefly to pose for photographers and sign autographs at St Pancras station in a sleeveless leather jacket , cropped trousers and yellow - rimmed sunglasses .

  9. 比如裤子就有长裤、七分裤、短裤等许多种类。瓦茨表示:我们分析产品种类的方法也非常重要。

    Pants , capris , or shorts & or something else entirely ? The way we analyze the kinds of products and the categories of products is very important , Watts says .

  10. 经过大约75分钟之后,选手只剩下四位,包括三名来自杭州外国语学校女孩。她们都穿着一样的服装:宽松的白色T恤和灰色的七分裤。

    After about an hour and 15 minutes , there were four contestants remaining , including three girls from the Hangzhou school , wearing matching outfits of loose white T-shirts and three-quarter-length gray pants .

  11. 夸张的金属配饰、水洗磨白、华丽的绣花、喇叭裤、超瘦牛仔裤、七分裤、热裤或是半截裤、松垮的高腰、超低腰、破洞,这些全都是禁忌。

    No metal studs . No acid washes . No lavish embroidery . No boot cut . No skinny . No pedal pushers , shorts or cutoffs . No baggy high-rise . No super-low-rise .