
  • Dragon Ball
  1. 日本的《钢铁三国志》、《七龙珠》等作品,都是基于中国的传统故事。

    Japan 's " Iron Three Kingdoms "," Dragon Ball " and other works are based on traditional Chinese story .

  2. 在她的博客中写道她将继续作七龙珠中孙悟空的粉丝。

    In her blog , Tsuji noted that she was and continues to be a fan of Dragon Ball 's Goku character .

  3. 有网友认为,电影的风格和人物都非常“日本风”,与《七龙珠》有异曲同工之感。

    Some Internet users believe that the film 's style and characters are very " Japanese style ", and " Dragon Ball " has the same feeling .

  4. 当你着迷于外国动画人物,像变形金刚、七龙珠、加菲猫,还有史努比的时候,你是否也在不断更新你对中国动画的认识呢?

    When you are fascinated by foreign cartoon figures like Transformers , Dragon Ball Z , Garfield and Snoopy , do you also update your knowledge about Chinese animation as well ?

  5. 小悟空终于集齐了全部的七颗龙珠!

    Goku knows the location of the seventh Dragon Ball .

  6. 而他首先要做的就是集齐全部七颗龙珠和杀光世界上所有的武术家。

    All he needs are the seven Dragon Balls and all of the Martial Arts Society members-dead .

  7. 传说集齐了所有七颗龙珠的人就能召唤出伟大的神龙,而这个法力无边的神灵将能实现他们心中所想的任何一个愿望!

    Legend says that whomever collects all seven Dragon Balls can call forth the awesome Eternal Dragon , a powerful creature that will grant whatever wish their heart desires !