
kuánɡ cháo
  • torrent;surging/turbulent tide
狂潮 [kuáng cháo]
  • [swelling tide] 汹涌澎湃的浪潮。借指声势浩大的局面

  1. 歌手布雷特·安德森唤起了旧式的个人崇拜狂潮。

    Singer Brett Anderson inspires old-fashioned hero-worship .

  2. 他们“暴富”的来源在上世纪90年代后期通常指网络概念股狂潮阶段以及纳斯达克股市狂飙时期。

    The " wealth " part of sudden wealth syndrome has normally been associated with the riches accumulated from dot-com IPOs and the rapid rise of the Nasdaq stock market in the late 90s .

  3. 在又一年的银行放贷狂潮支持下,投资依然是推动gdp增长的主力。

    Investment is still the main contributor to GDP , aided by another year of epic bank lending .

  4. 这位23岁前OneDirection乐队的明星,当他穿着偏回的蓝色西装,在人群中掀起一阵狂潮时,看不出有任何潜在的尴尬和狼狈。

    The former One Direction star , 23 , didn 't look fazed by any potential awkward reunions as he whipped the crowd into a frenzy while dressed in a dapper pale blue suit .

  5. 根据YouTube的数据介绍,正是这个视频开启了屌丝舞狂潮。

    According to YouTube , that 's the video that started the real viral trend .

  6. 这将使得国际货币基金组织(imf)能够更有效的应对当前及未来的国际收支危机狂潮。

    It will allow the International Monetary Fund to deal with the current and future torrent of balance of payment crises more effectively .

  7. 尽管Google可能无法像网景那样引发如此广泛的投资狂潮,但它拥有早期网络公司基本都缺乏的一样东西:已被证实是行之有效的商业模式。

    While it may not create the sort of broader investment fad touched off by Netscape , it has what most of the early dotcoms lacked : a proven business model .

  8. CNN已经联系拜仁慕尼黑俱乐部,要求其就这张在推特上引发了种族歧视的批评狂潮的照片作出回应。

    CNN has reached out to Bayern Munich for comment about the image , which sparked accusations of racism on Twitter .

  9. BPR引起世界范围内的研究狂潮,并通过各国学者的研究进一步演变出流程管理思想。

    BPR causes world within the scope of the research of boom , and through the countries scholars ' research further evolved into process management .

  10. 巧克力打印机由埃克塞特大学郝亮博士创建的ChocEdge公司生产,不过它的上市错过了复活节购物狂潮。

    But makers Choc Edge - founded by Dr Liang Hao , from the University of Exeter - have missed the Easter rush .

  11. 然而,iPad近几季的销量已有所下降,于2007年发布的iPhone掀起了一段科技狂潮,它至今仍然占据苹果公司收入的半壁江山。

    iPad sales have weakened in recent quarters and the iPhone , launched a tech aeon ago in 2007 , still generates more than half of the firm 's revenues .

  12. 经合组织(OECD)日前发表的一份报告显示,中国和日本等国宽松的货币政策正推动私人股本收购狂潮,这引发了全球监管机构和工会的担忧。

    Lax monetary policy in countries such as China and Japan is fuelling the boom in private equity buy-outs that is worrying regulators and unions across the world , according to a report published today .

  13. 过去两年中,瑞银集团(ubs)、汇丰(hsbc)和花旗(citigroup)等大型银行的亚洲私人银行部门掀起了雇用狂潮,迫使市场新入者需支付高额薪金才能争取到稀缺的当地人才。

    Over the past two years , big Asia-based private banks such as UBS , HSBC and Citigroup have gone on a hiring spree , forcing new market entrants to pay a significant premium for scarce local talent .

  14. 根据ABC新闻网的报道,这股HarlemShake屌丝舞狂潮,始自2013年1月的YouTube网站上的一个视频,一群人带着面具穿着乳胶服装(其中一位扮成了金刚战士),视频中每个人都在跳舞。

    ABC News reported that it appears that the viral " Harlem Shakes " craze started the YouTube video of people wearing masks and dressed in latex suits , one in a Power Ranger costume , back in January .

  15. 尽管2008年后美国明显有必要提高国民储蓄率,但巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统却试图延续消费狂潮&他向荷包业已干瘪的消费者大力推销住房和汽车,同时不顾预算赤字不可持续实施减税举措。

    In spite of the evident need for a rise in national saving after 2008 , President Barack Obama tried to prolong the consumption binge by aggressively promoting home and car sales to already exhausted consumers , and by cutting taxes despite an unsustainable budget deficit .

  16. 如果中国继续以日本为榜样,盯住美元的汇率制度的取消将成为最后的导火索,引发规模堪比哥斯拉(Godzilla)的信贷狂潮。

    If China continues to follow the Japanese template , the end of the dollar peg will be the trigger event , setting off a Godzilla-sized credit binge .

  17. 出于对这种手术迫不及待的渴望,这些年轻人自己担负起把脸雕琢得更漂亮的重任,他们加入了DIY狂潮-------在高中学生间流行的、颇具危险的时尚。他们用在网上买的廉价且不正规的工具给自己整形。

    Impatient for such treatments , theseyoungsters are taking the burden upon themselves to carve out a better face.Enter the DIY craze , a potentially hazardous fad among high school friends whoself-apply cheap and scantly regulated tools bought online .

  18. 一年前,就是在那里,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)掀起了目前所谓的“透视装”狂潮。她的礼服像一条全身长筒袜,礼服上装饰的施华洛世奇水晶(这个品牌简直无处不在)比礼服的设计者亚当·塞尔曼(AdamSelman)更引人注目。

    It was there , a year ago , that Rihanna started the current rage for the so-called " naked look , " with a body stocking noted more for the manufacturer of the crystals that adorned it , the inescapable Swarovski , than its designer , Adam Selman .

  19. 苏联解体、东欧剧变,在西方学术界掀起新一轮反对列宁主义的狂潮。

    Drastic changes leading to a trend of opposition-Leninism in Western academic .

  20. 亿万富豪们掀起了一股购买房产的狂潮。

    Billionaires have been on a real estate buying spree .

  21. 它会发展成1999年那样的网络公司狂潮吗?

    Will it metastasize like the dot-com frenzy of 1999 ?

  22. 已经准备好投入建造狂潮

    We were ready to go on a building spree .

  23. 这种大坝建造狂潮的后果已十分明显。

    The consequences of such frenetic construction are already clear .

  24. 一波又一波银行倒闭狂潮席卷全国

    Banks close in wave after wave across the country .

  25. 大宗商品泡沫比互联网狂潮造成的影响大得多。

    The commodity bubble has had a larger impact than the dotcom boom .

  26. 大宗商品狂潮则把财富交到低效益的人手中。

    The commodity mania put fortunes in unproductive hands .

  27. 整个世界似乎都卷入了一股拉丁狂潮。

    The whole world seems to have been thrown into a Latin party .

  28. 战地狂潮精灵,大开汝之门!

    Spirit of the Glow of the Battlefield , Open wide Thy Gate !

  29. 中秋购机小高峰已经远去,紧接着十一狂潮接踵而来。

    Mid-Autumn purchase small peak has gone , then follow the tide of11 .

  30. 之后,这一狂潮迅速席卷国际资本市场。

    Afterwards , it sweeps the capital market soon .