
  1. 这孩子能成大器。

    This child will grow up to be a very useful person .

  2. 我们周遭的芸芸众生并非个个都会成大器,但这些芸芸众生中只要一个成大器就够了

    Not all our geese become swans , but one swan atones for many flocks of geese .

  3. 缺乏胆魄,难成大器。

    He is not brave enough to amount to anything big .

  4. 对他满怀信心并告诉他他注定成大器

    He believed in him . He told him he was destined for greatness .

  5. 爱好学习的孩子,长大后定会成大器。

    Good boys who to their books apply will all be great men by and by .

  6. 你能成大器,你的小脑瓜里都写着呢。

    You could be great , you know . It 's all here , in your head .

  7. 中国否决权在手,提议难成大器,但是中国却因此“龙”颜大怒。

    This is a non-starter given China 's power of veto , but the very idea infuriated China .

  8. 他是个极有毅力的人,我坚信他会成大器的。

    He is a very determined young man . I am sure he will go a long way .

  9. 不管未来的路是喜是悲,只要现在努力,将来必成大器!

    Regardless of the way Joy and sorrow , as long as the present effort , eventually Cheng Kung University !

  10. 楼主楼上楼下我看你天赋异常,气宇轩昂,将来必成大器。

    Building main upstairs and downstairs'I thought that your each talent is unusual , has an imposing appearance , in the future must become the great talent .

  11. 他是一个天才,生于纷繁复杂之乱世,身负绝学,以一介草民闯荡二十余年,终成大器。

    A genius born in the turbulent times with great talent and profound knowledge , he rises from a commoner to a legendary figure in the officialdom after two decades of struggle .

  12. 你只传授给了他们技术,却没传授给他们教训,对于才能来说,没有教训与没有经验一样,都不能使人成大器!

    You can only pass on to their technology , not to teach them a lesson , for in order , there is no lack of experience and lessons with the same device can not make National Cheng Kung University !