
  • 网络Cabling
  1. 成缆效应和测试条件对光纤PMD的影响

    The Influence of Cabling effect and Measurement Conditions on Polarization Mode Dispersion in Optical Fibers

  2. 0.6/1kV扇形导体硅烷交联电缆成缆工艺设计

    Design of the Cabling Process for 0.6/1kV Sector Conductor Si-XLPE Cables

  3. PLC和IPC组成的新型成缆机控制系统

    A Control System of Novel Cabling Machine with PLC & IPC

  4. PLC在SZ绞合成缆机控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in Control System of SZ Stranding Machine for Optical Fibers

  5. OPGW用行星式成缆机的自动控制系统

    Automatic Control System of Planetary Stranding Machine for OPGW Cables

  6. 基于模糊神经网络的SZ绞合成缆机现场总线控制系统

    SZ Stranding Machine Field Bus Control System Based on Fuzzy Neural Network

  7. 新型的SZ绞合成缆机

    Novel SZ Stranding Machine for Optical Fibers

  8. 该控制系统采用三层网络结构即管理层、控制层和设备层来完成对SZ绞合成缆机的控制。

    The system control architecture is divided into three layers , namely , management , control and equipment .

  9. 缆芯外挤上一层聚乙烯内护套,双面涂塑钢带(PSP)纵包后挤制聚乙烯护套成缆。

    After the PSP is longitudinally applied over the inner sheath , the cable is completed with a PE outer sheath .

  10. SZ-GS光缆探讨新型的SZ绞合成缆机

    SZ & GS Optical Fiber Cable Novel SZ Stranding Machine for Optical Fibers

  11. 主要介绍带状光缆成缆机及气动盘式SZ绞合头、双头同心同点扎纱等关键单元。

    The cabling machine for fiber ribbon cable , and its key units , such as pneumatic SZ stranding plate and co-point cross binding head are introduced .

  12. 在对SZ绞合成缆机设备组成简介的基础上,设计了基于模糊神经网络的SZ绞合成缆机现场总线控制系统。

    After brief introduction of equipments of SZ stranding machine for optical fibers , this paper designs SZ stranding machine field bus control system based on fuzzy neural network .

  13. 在简介OPGW生产线成缆设备组成和工艺要求的基础上,叙述了OPGW生产线成缆设备的几个重要环节及其实现方法&PID(比例-积分-微分)算法和MPI(多端口接口)网络。

    Based on the brief introduction of composition and process requirements of OPGW cable stranding machine some important points and their realization methods , PID algorithm and MPI network , are described .

  14. 对多模光纤,建议在光纤成缆和施工中,其弯曲半径至少大于80mm。

    For standard communication multimode fibers , the bending radius is suggested at least larger than 80 mm in jacketing and installation .

  15. 结果表明,决定PMDQ值的关键因素是已成缆光纤PMD系数的统计分布而不是其平均值。

    The results show that , the key factor for deciding PMDQ value is its statistic distribution of the cabled fiber coefficients rather than its average value .

  16. 介绍了一种工控计算机通过串行通讯实现饲服电机直接数字控制方法,该方法成本低、精度高,实时响应速度满足生产实际要求,在SZ绞光纤成缆生产线上得到成功应用。

    In this paper , a direct digital control method of servomotor through serial-communication with industrial computer is introduced . This method with low cost and high precision has been applied successfully in SZ fiber production line and it ′ s real-time reaction meets production needs .

  17. 适用于多对数数据电缆和控制电缆的成缆。

    Apply to cabling of multi-pair data cables and control cables .

  18. 绝缘线绞合:短距离成缆绞合。

    Insulation wire twisted match : short into cable ground close .

  19. D630单绞机成缆节距的计算

    Calculation of laying-up pitch of D 630 Single Twist Cabling Machine

  20. 带状光缆成缆生产线的研制及关键参数

    Development and key parameters of fiber ribbon cable production line

  21. 单模光纤成缆前后的截止波长

    Cutoff wavelength for uncabled and cabled single mode fiber

  22. 全新设计的光缆钢丝铠装高速成缆机

    New design of high speed steel wire armoring strander for fiber optic cables

  23. 两端极限法计算低压电力电缆成缆外径

    Calculation of the laying-up diameter of LV power cables by the gradual degeneration method

  24. 成缆机加装工艺参数数显表提高质量的监控

    Improvement of product quality by adding digital indication of process parameters to cabling machine

  25. 主要产品有成缆机系列、绞线机系列、挤出机系列等。

    The main products are Laying-up machines , stranding machines , extruder machines and so on .

  26. 适合作各种电缆成缆的纵包或绕包带。

    This product is fit for longitudinal lapping or wrapping tapes in all kinds of cables .

  27. 由于该关键技术的采用大大提高成缆的可靠性和生产速度。

    Owing to the adoption of these techniques the reliability and production speed of cabling are increased significantly .

  28. 直流火花机常被用于成缆,有时在单个电极中测试25对的电缆。

    DC spark testers are often used in cabling operations , sometimes testing 25 twisted pairs within a single electrode .

  29. 主要用于大截面、大长度电力电缆或分割导体的绞合成缆。

    The machine is used for stranding power cables with large cross-section and great length , as well as split conducts .

  30. 软光缆成缆中紧包光纤恒张力放线的控制

    Optical fiber cable with fiber loosely packaged The Control Method of Constant Tension Pay-Off of Tight Buffer Optical Fiber in Fiber Optic Cord Cabling