
  1. 在PCB中集成光数据流的制造

    Manufacturing Integrated Optical Data Buses in PCB

  2. 结果表明,脉冲振幅A越大,啁啾参量C越小,指数脉冲演化成光孤子所需的的距离越短。

    The greater the pulse amplitude A is , the less chirp parameter | C | is , the shorter the propagation distance evolving into a soliton is .

  3. 报道了利用增益开关分布反馈半导体激光器、F-P光学滤波器及掺饵光纤放大器研制成光孤子源的研究工作。

    The studies on an optical soliton source which is prepared using a gain - switched DFB laser , a F-P optical filter and an Er-doped fiber amplifier are reported .

  4. 利用这一性质可以制成光偏转器和光调制器。

    By using this character , light deflexion implement and light modulator are made .

  5. 钛扩散铌酸锂1×4集成光开关

    Ti : LiNbO_3 1 × 4 Integrated-Optical Switch

  6. 如何将待测物的尺寸信息转换成光信号。

    Firstly , it discusses how to transform dimensional information of the undetected object into light signal .

  7. 当你进入你感觉你存在的每一个原子转换成光和无条件的爱。

    As you enter you feel every atom of your being transformed into light and unconditional love .

  8. 在光学中我们赞成光的波动说,而反对光的微粒说。

    In optics we have to decide in favour of the wave theory against the corpuscular theory of light .

  9. 在最后的毕业时刻,你们必须面对累世积累的恐惧和黑暗,用意志将它们转化成光。

    In the final graduation one must always face their cumulative fear , face their darkness , and turn it into light through will .

  10. 人们崇尚黄金已有数千年历史,这种质地柔软紧致的金属可以抛成光灿灿的颜色,能抵抗大多数化学反应。

    People have valued gold for thousands of years . The soft , dense metal to a bright yellow shine and resists most chemical reactions .

  11. 由于贵金属纳米颗粒具有独特的局部表面等离子体共振性能,很容易将化学或物理刺激以高效率的方式转变成光信号。

    The unique localized surface plasmon resonance from noble metal nanoparticles facilitates the transduction of chemical or physical stimulus into optical signals in a highly efficient way .

  12. 本文主要介绍体放射法的基本原理,如光亮度计算方法,体放射方程的形成机理,成光因子及系数的影响,以及图形生成原理。

    In this paper , the basic principle of volumetric radiosity is briefly introduced , It covers intensity calculation , radiosity equations , form factors and image generation method .

  13. 光发射机的功能是将电脉冲信号转换成光脉冲信号,并以数字光纤通信系统传输性能所要求的光脉冲信号波形从光源器件的尾纤发射出去。

    Transmitter is the device which changes electrical pulse signal into optical pulse signal , and then transmit the optical signal in wave form by laser diode or light-emitting diode .

  14. 把荧光素固定在经处理的生物膜(新鲜羊肉膜)上,研制成光导纤维生物膜溴传感器。

    A new optical fiber fluorescence sensor based on bio-membrane is developed for the determination of bromide . The fluorescein is immobilized on bio-membrane ( fresh mutton film ) pretreated in formaldehyde solution .

  15. 意味著只是坐在那个源头,而不移到任何地方,将会有一股很大的力量会产生,将能量蜕变成光和爱,蜕变成更伟大的生命,蜕变成慈悲和创造力。

    Zazen means just sitting at the very source , not moving anywhere , a tremendous force arises , a transformation of energy into light and love , into greater life , into compassion , into creativity .

  16. 光栅传感器以光栅谐振子作为敏感元件,将大地震动的机械信号转换成光调制信号&莫尔条纹,再用光电元件转换成数字化电信号输出。

    As the sensory unit , the vibrator of grating sensor is designed to measure micro-vibration , and transform the vibration of ground into light modulating signal-Moir é fringe , and then , change into digital signal by photoelectric elements .

  17. 希迪博士说,从暗处到亮处时眼睛适应起来非常快,比如从隧道里出来重见天日时,但从亮处到暗处时需要新生成光色素,因此需要一些时间来完全适应黑暗。

    The eyes adapt quickly when going to the light emerging from a tunnel into the sun , say but going to the dark ' requires the regeneration of photo pigments , and that takes some time to reach full dark-adaptation , ' says Dr. Sheedy .

  18. 希迪博士说,从暗处到亮处时眼睛适应起来非常快,比如从隧道里出来重见天日时,但从亮处到暗处时“需要新生成光色素,因此需要一些时间来完全适应黑暗”。

    The eyes adapt quickly when going to the light -- emerging from a tunnel into the sun , say -- but going to the dark ' requires the regeneration of photo pigments , and that takes some time to reach full dark-adaptation , ' says Dr. Sheedy 。

  19. 该仪器可将手、腕不可见的X射线影像转变成可见光信号,计算机实现对该图像采集、分析。

    The equipment can transfer invisible shadow of the hand & wrist X-ray into video , and then the data can be collected and analyzed by computer .

  20. 包覆后的大颗粒制备成二氧化钛光阳极的散射层,使DSSCs的光电转化效率从6.2%提高到了7.1%。

    The coated large TiO2 powders were used as a scattering layer of DSSCs to increase the energy conversion efficiency from 6.2 % to 7.1 % .

  21. 本文主要应用上转换材料的反STOKES原理把短波红外光转换成可见光,再把可见光在光学系统的传输和聚焦的作用下传输到图像传感器的光敏面上,进而实现图像传感器对光的采集。

    By referring to the counter-STOKES theory of the up-conversion material , short-waved infrared light is converted to visible light , which in turn is transmitted to the photosensitive surface of the imaging sensor through transmitting and focusing of the optical system .

  22. 它通过光学相关器转换成可见光图像信息。

    It is transformed into visible light image through optical correlator .

  23. 影子也永远成不了光或暗。

    Shadow won 't be Light or Dark .

  24. 我成了光杆司令!

    I got no one left any more !

  25. 根据此表示法,将二维直线的两个参数对时间的导数定义成直线光流场。

    Based on the representation , differential coefficients of two parameters of a beeline are defined as straight-line optical flow .

  26. 因此能够捕获的同时观察纳米粒子成了光镊技术深入研究纳米粒子的瓶颈。

    Therefore able to capture at the same time observe the nanoparticles into optical tweezers technology in-depth study nanoparticles bottlenecks .

  27. 在发送端利用声光调制器将外置激光器的连续激光分割成周期光脉冲序列,并作为同步光信号发送给接收端。

    In transmitter , continuous signal of an external laser is modulated into a light pulse sequence by using an acousto-optic modulator .

  28. 首先使用上述图像分解模型,将图像表示成太阳光和天空光基图像的线性组合。

    The model representing an outdoor image as a linear combination of sun basis image and sky basis image is first adopted .

  29. 为了突破这一瓶颈,科学家们尝试了略掉这一步电子转换过程,换成全程光信号。

    To get around that bottleneck , researchers skipped the electronic signal processing - and found a way to do it purely optically instead .

  30. 他们在二氧化钛奈米管中添加碳,将可吸收的光波长围转换成可见光波段。

    They have added carbon to titanium dioxide nanotubes to shift the wavelengths of light the tubes absorb to the visible portion of the spectrum .