
  • 网络transverse mode;Horizontal mode
  1. 一种适用于脉冲Nd~(3+):YAG激光器的新型横模控制谐振腔

    A novel transverse mode control resonator for pulsed Nd ~ ( 3 + ): YAG laser

  2. 根据基模高斯光场,运用MonteCarlo随机模拟方法,实现了基模高斯光场的模拟,直观地说明了基模高斯光束的横模。

    Based on base mode Gauss optical field , using Monte Carlo random stimulation test , the stimulation of the functions of base mode Gauss optical field is implemented , which directly proves transverse mode of base mode Gauss beam .

  3. F-P有源微片激光腔横模场分析

    Analysis of transverse mode distribution in microchip laser active cavity

  4. 深扩Zn平面条形激光器的横模稳定性

    Stability of the horizontal transverse mode of planar stripe lasers with deep Zn diffusion

  5. 本文提出可饱和吸收体Cr4+:YAG在激光谐振腔中可具有横模选择的作用。

    The presence of saturable absorber also has influence on laser mode .

  6. 横流放电CO2激光器气体热效应对光轴与横模的影响

    Influences of gas thermal effects in transverse-flow electrical discharge CO_2 lasers on their optical axis and transverse modes

  7. 对横向效应导致单纵模多横模CO2激光器失稳进行了实验研究。

    Instabilities of single-longitudinal , multi-transverse-mode CO2 laser caused by transverse effects of optical field have been studied experimentally .

  8. 湍流下运转的新型CWCO2单横模高功率激光放大器

    New High Power TEM_ ( 00 ) CW CO_2 Laser Amplifier Operated by Turbulence Flow

  9. LD泵浦Nd:YVO4激光器的基横模、高重复频率声光调Q

    TEM_ ( 00 ) Mode , High-repetition Rate Q-switching of LD Pumped Nd : YVO_4 Lasers

  10. 我们观察到了多横模内腔He-Ne激光器的一些特殊偏振现象。

    We have observed some special polarization phenomenon of multi-transverse mode He-Ne laser .

  11. 低阈值基横模脊形波导GaAs/AlGaAs单量子阱激光器

    Low Threshold Single Transverse Mode Ridge Waveguide GaAs / AlGaAs Quantum Well Lasers

  12. THz波传播过程中横模分布的成像研究

    Study on the transverse modes distribution of THz wave By THz imaging technology

  13. 多横模运转He-Ne激光器

    Multi-transverse Modes Running He-Ne Laser

  14. 继去年我们在国内首先实现了LD泵浦Nd:YAG微片激光器的室温连续单横模运转之后,最近又观测到了稳定的单纵模输出。

    Stable single longitudinal mode operation of a LD pumped Nd ∶ YAG microchip laser has been obtained recently .

  15. 横模谱方法与孔耦合FEL振荡器数值模拟

    The transverse model spectral method and numerical simulations of hole coupled oscillators

  16. 脉冲输出时,通过对调Q过程中能量储存和能量释放的分析,建立了调Q过程的算法理论模型,利用各模式的能量总和计算得到各横模比例分布。

    For pulse laser , By the analysis of energy storage and release during the Q-switched process , the algorithm theoretical model of the Q-switched process is built .

  17. 基于速率方程对VCSEL的横模进行了数值模拟,并与解析结果进行了对比分析。

    The characteristics of RIN in VCSELs are investigated using analytical calculation and numerical simulation .

  18. 1.3微米低阈值大功率基横模BHInGaAsP/InP激光器

    Low Threshold Current High Output Power Fundamental Transverse Mode 1.3 μ m InGaAsP / InP BH Laser

  19. 说明描述耦合到任意给定模式自发辐射噪声(朗之万噪声)项的统计平均可以用横模的双正交性(即过量噪声K因子)与特征值特性来描述。

    The statistical average of the Langevin noise that describes the spontaneous radiation noise coupling into a given mode is determined by the Biorthogonality of the transverses modes ( K factor ) and their eigenvalues .

  20. 电极形状对FBAR横模特性的影响

    Effect of FBAR Electrode Shape on Transverse Coupling wave

  21. 首次分析了多横模VCSELs在常规和模式选择性注入下的非线性和模式锁定行为。

    Nonlinear and mode-locking behaviors are analyzed for the first time for both conventional and mode-selective injections .

  22. 因此本文着重研究光反馈对正交光注入多横模VCSEL偏振转换特性的影响。

    So the influences of optical feedback on the polarization switching of multi-transverse-mode in VCSELs subject to orthogonal optical injection are investigated in this paper .

  23. 实验测量了TEACO2激光器多横模和基横模输出下,THz激光脉冲波形和抽运光脉冲波形以及抽运光的光斑大小。

    The pulse waveform of THz laser and pump laser and the size of the distribution of pumped laser have been measured when TEA CO2 laser working under the multi transverse mode and the fundamental transverse mode accordingly .

  24. 本文报道了波导CO2激光器的一种选择横模的方法,该器件采用了大孔径波导和近场非匹配凹面镜,可得较高输出功率的基模激光。

    In this Paper , a method to select transverse mode of a CO2 waveguide laser is reported . By using the waveguide with a big bore and non-matching concave mirror in near field , high output power and fundamental mode laser can be achieved .

  25. 本文报导了DPSSL的两项应用:多种横模产生器与激光膜片反射率分布测量装置。

    Two kind of applications of DPSSL , multiple single transverse mode generator and reflectivity distribution measurement device for laser coating , are reported .

  26. 封离式He-N2-CO2激光器横模特性的测量与分析

    Measurement and analysis of the characteristics of transverse modes of a sealed-off He-N_2-CO_2 laser

  27. 仿真结果表明,注入盘孔径和注入环越小、注入强度越低以及电流扩散越弱时,VCSELs更易实现单横模工作;

    Simulation results indicate that VCSELs with small disk injection radius , small injection ring , low bias current , and weakly current spreading exhibit better single-mode characteristics .

  28. 最后,利用求解全部本征值和本征向量的QR方法对共焦腔和带孔径光阑对称腔的横模场进行数值分析。

    In the end , by use of the QR method , transverse mode fields in the circular confocal resonator and the symmetric resonator are numerically analyzed by solving the matrix for all eigenvectors and eigenvalues .

  29. 由于THz辐射无法用肉眼直接观察到,并且目前还没有只对THz波段感光的胶片,所以无法直接得到THz波横模分布的具体图像。

    THz radiation can not be observed by the eyes directly , and it has not sensitive film for THz wave band only recently , so particular instance of THz transverse mode distribution can not be obtained directly .

  30. 将Cr:LISAF静态输出光聚焦于光纤介质中,进行模式竞争,实现了宽线宽、多横模Cr:LISAF激光脉冲的后向SBS,有效地压缩了激光脉冲。

    By focusing the static beam of Cr : LISAF laser on fiber medium , the mode competition will take place . Effective compression of laser pulses using backward SBS of broad-band and multi-transverse mode Cr : LISAF laser pulses is realized .