
  • 网络John Tsang;John Tsang Chun-wah;Tsang Chun-wah
  1. 香港财政司司长曾俊华(JohnTsang)表示,香港面临发展商品期货市场的巨大机遇。

    John Tsang , Hong Kong 's financial secretary , said there was a huge opportunity for Hong Kong to develop a commodities futures market .

  2. 曾俊华(JohnTsang)此前为行政长官办公室主任,在香港特首直接领导的三大政府高官中是唯一的新面孔。

    John Tsang was previously director of the chief executive 's office and is the only new face to join the triumvirate of senior officials who work directly under Hong Kong 's leader .

  3. 香港财政司司长曾俊华(JohnTsang)在周日发表的一篇博客文章中称,他非常担心香港当前面临的政治风险可能会引发一场“完美的金融经济风暴”。

    In an entry posted to his personal blog Sunday , Financial Secretary John Tsang said he was very worried that the cloud of political uncertainty looming over Hong Kong could help to bring about a ' perfect economic storm . '

  4. 曾俊华的警告并非完全出人意料。

    Mr. Tsang 's stark warning doesn 't come totally out of the blue .

  5. 曾俊华事后不会打开一瓶酒庆祝的几率是多大呢?

    What are the chances that John Tsang did not pop open a celebratory bottle afterwards ?

  6. 曾俊华说,政府预计今年的经济增幅将在1%到3%。

    The government expects growth of 1 percent to 3 percent this year , Mr. Tsang said .

  7. 曾俊华表示,目前总体房地产价格比全球金融危机之前的水平高出8%。

    Overall property prices , Mr Tsang said , were now 8 per cent above pre-global financial crisis levels .

  8. 财政司司长曾俊华曾反复警告出现泡沫的风险。

    The city 's financial secretary , John Tsang , has warned repeatedly about the risk of a bubble emerging .

  9. 但曾俊华承认,由于联系汇率制度,在遏制通胀方面,他被束缚住了手脚。

    But Mr Tsang admits that because of the peg , his hands are tied when it comes to fighting inflation .

  10. 曾俊华在年度预算演讲中表示:无论是对外贸易还是内部需求,预料都会表现呆滞。

    Both external trade and domestic demand are expected to remain subdued , John Tsang said in his annual budget address .

  11. 曾俊华说,政府在把建筑规例现代化的同时,期望将来的建筑环境可获大大改善。

    In modernizing building regulations , he said that the government has a vision of a vastly improved built environment in the years to come .

  12. 曾俊华还宣布了一项价值2.9亿美元的措施,旨在帮助香港从占领抗议活动的影响中恢复过来。

    Mr. Tsang also announced measures worth 290 million dollars that he said were intended to help Hong Kong recover from the effects of the Occupy protests .

  13. 曾俊华局长全力创造有利环境,让各地代表未来数天能够在自由坦诚的气氛下,进行有建设性的谈判。

    Secretary John Tsang is committed to creating an environment of comfort for all delegates to conduct negotiations freely , frankly and constructively in the coming days .

  14. 尽管如此,曾俊华目前表示,通胀幽灵是他最担心的事情之一,尤其是它对穷人的影响。

    Even so , the financial secretary now says the spectre of inflation is one of his greatest concerns , and in particular its impact on the poor .

  15. 曾俊华表示:我们来年面对的挑战主要是资产泡沫风险和通胀。

    The two main challenges confronting us in the year ahead are undoubtedly inflation and the risk of a property bubble , said John Tsang , the financial secretary .

  16. 但许多分析人士认为,曾俊华的担忧可能有些过头,他们预计抗议活动不会对香港经济产生太大影响。

    But many analysts say Mr. Tsang 's concerns are likely overblown and that they don 't expect the protests to have a huge effect on the city 's economy .

  17. 曾俊华估计,截至3月31日的财年,港府的预算盈余为640亿美元,高于他本人一年前估计的90亿美元。

    Mr. Tsang estimated the budget surplus for the fiscal year that ends on March 31 at 64 billion dollars , up from his estimate of 9 billion dollars a year ago .

  18. 曾俊华在博文中为香港的未来描绘了一幅阴暗的图景,经济增长放缓、失业率上升等各种错综复杂的风险因素令香港难以应付,而政治问题可能进一步加剧恶劣形势。

    Mr. Tsang painted a gloomy picture of the city 's outlook amid a slowing economy , rising unemployment and other complicated risk factors and said political problems could exacerbate the negative climate .

  19. 除了曾俊华的评分未能作准,及林瑞麟的得分偏低外,其馀官员的评分都在45分信任危险线上。

    Other than John Tsang whose rating is not taken as representative , and Stephen Lam whose score is still low , the ratings of all officials have gone beyond the45-mark credibility crisis level .

  20. 但在接下来的发言中,曾俊华指出,香港去年接待的游客人数增加了12%,游客总共消费逾3500亿港币,增幅9%。

    But later in his speech , Mr. Tsang noted that tourist arrivals to Hong Kong had increased 12 percent last year , while their total spending rose 9 percent , to more than 350 billion Hong Kong dollars .

  21. 曾俊华表示,对于价格超过2000万港元(合260万美元)的房地产销售,印花税税率自4月1日起将从3.75%提高至4.25%。

    John Tsang said stamp duty on property sales , worth more than HK $ 20m ( $ 2.6m , € 1.9m , £ 1.7m ), would rise from 3.75 per cent to 4.25 per cent , effective April 1 .

  22. 曾俊华在周末表示:我们认识到,由于我们的经济体在向更高附加值的经济体转型,可能会在这里那里出现一些不协调的地方,进而可能会影响到一些收入较低的人群。

    We realise that because of the change in our economy going into a higher value-added economy that there may be some mismatches here and there and that may affect some of the lower level occupations , John Tsang said at the weekend .

  23. 曾俊华说,香港国际机场第三条跑道的建设可能于明年开始,2023年竣工,不过仍然没有宣布最终的预算。2011年对该项目的成本估计为至少180亿美元。

    Mr. Tsang said work on a third runway for the Hong Kong International Airport , estimated in 2011 to cost at least $ 18 billion , could begin next year and finish by 2023 , though a final budget has yet to be announced .