
  1. 摄影师彼得·范·阿赫特梅尔(PetervanAgtmael)曾花数年记录伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争及其灾后景象。

    Photographer Peter van Agtmael has spent many years documenting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and their aftermath .

  2. Ong是一名工程师,在建立这个网站之前曾花一年多的时间进行了一次探索内心的背包远行,足迹遍布欧洲、埃及、中国等。

    Ong , an engineer , started the site after a year-long backpacking and soul-searching expedition through Europe , Egypt , China and other parts of the world .

  3. 我们可曾花足够的时间安静的跟自己相处?

    Do you spend enough time getting to know yourself ?

  4. 你还记得我曾花多少时间教你这些事情吗?

    Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you .

  5. 安可和其他的同伴曾花了数日找寻失踪的两人。

    He and other climbers spent days searching for the missing pair .

  6. 他曾花了数月时间在怀俄明州的河流中对该系统进行改进、操练。

    He had spent months refining and practicing his system on rivers in Wyoming .

  7. 我们曾花了一整周的时间摘苹果

    We spent a whole week harvesting apples and , while we were at it ,

  8. 我曾花了很多时间,来研究那些寻求投资的创业者编制的商业计划书。

    I spend a lot of my time studying business plans from entrepreneurs looking for investment .

  9. 我曾花了一年的时间拍摄像我一样的新一代的女性,

    I had spent a year photographing this new generation of girls , much like myself ,

  10. 为建立管理是专门职业这一概念,曾花费了将近半个世纪的时间。

    Nearly half a century was needed for the concept of professional management to establish itself .

  11. 蒂姆曾花了七天时间来深究自己的灵魂:你想要做什么?

    Tim had spent seven days soul searching this question : What do you want to do ?

  12. 我在1974年曾花两小时努力逃离一座没有任何路标的法国城镇。

    And the two hours in 1974 I spent trying to escape a French town with no signposts .

  13. 这辆汽车很糟糕,尤为恼人的是我买下时曾花了大价钱。

    It 's a terrible car , and what annoys me is that I paid through the nose for it .

  14. 新闻国际也承认,曾花大价钱向警方购买信息。

    News International has also acknowledged that it paid large amounts of money to police officers in return for information .

  15. 他曾花了一段时间适应这份工作:在1991年接手公司时,为树立威信他下了不少功夫。

    He took time to grow into the job : when he took the reins in 1991 he struggled to assert himself .

  16. 我记得自己曾花数小时盯着这些明亮颜色的装饰图案—但老师讲的一句话也没听进去。

    I know I spent hours staring at the brightly colored decorations - and not listening to what my teacher was saying .

  17. 英国议会银行业标准委员会曾花了数月时间研究结构性改革,目前该委员会已将注意力转向各银行机构的内部企业文化上。

    The Commission , having spent several months studying structural reform , has now turned its attention to working culture within institutions .

  18. 但是该研究发现那些曾花时间和狗呆在一起的病人的确将他们的肾上腺激素指标降低了17%。

    But the study found that patients who spent time with a dog had a seventeen percent drop in their levels of epinephrine .

  19. 你曾花时间侧耳倾听过鸟儿婉转、风吹林梢或蟋蟀鸣唱吗?

    Have you ever taken time to listen to the song of the birds , the trees ' rustling in the wind or the music of the crickets ?

  20. 李雄飞说道。最近他曾花两个星期的时间来劝说一位女士放手。

    " They often cry over the news and then hang up on you ," said Li , who recently spent two weeks talking a woman into letting go .

  21. 他就读于北京物资学院工商管理系,现年23岁。杨毅曾花重金在网上买了一个限量版高达模型,结果却发现新鲜感转瞬即逝。

    The 23-year-old business administration major at Beijing Wuzi University bought a limited edition Gundam model kit online for a small fortune , only to find that its appeal faded rapidly .

  22. “羊人”汤姆·思韦茨和另一名英国人查尔斯·福斯特一起获得了搞笑诺贝尔生物学奖。查尔斯·福斯特也曾花了一些时间,试图在野外从动物的角度来体验生活。

    Goat-man Tom Thwaites actually shares his biology prize with another Briton , Charles Foster , who also has spent time in the wild trying to experience life from an animal 's perspective .

  23. 给人的感觉是,这些曾花多年时间争取成为员工之友的公司终于明白,光“酷”是没有用的——这里的“酷”与温度无关。

    It is as if these companies , having spent years competing to be like cool friends to their employees , have finally realised that chilling - at least metaphorically - doesn 't work .

  24. 科学史家都曾花大量笔墨论述伽利略科学贡献和评价其在科学史上的地位,与此不协调的是,哲学史家在提到伽利略时往往只有三言两语,且局限于他物质两种性质的思想。

    No alike with the historians of science , historians of philosophy only have a few words spoken when they deal with Galileo 's thought , which are only about the thought of two species natural materials .

  25. 相反,我们之所以无知,部分原因在于我们当中很少有人曾花时间了解阿拉伯国家,部分在于我们对阿拉伯人通常只问一个问题,另一部分在于我们不可能看到这些专政国家内部的情形。

    Rather , we cannot know partly because few of us have spent much time learning about Arab countries , partly because we usually ask only one question about Arabs , and partly because seeing inside these dictatorships is impossible .

  26. 四月时,皇家加勒比曾花了几个月的时间在欧洲周游,但是它一直声称最终会在纽约自由角游轮港口安定下来,在曼哈顿以南七英里的巴约纳停泊。

    Unveiled in April , Royal Caribbean 's latest mega-resort at sea has spent its first few months cruising around Europe , but Royal Caribbean has been saying for more than a year that it eventually would make its permanent home at the New York area 's Cape Liberty Cruise Port , located seven miles south of Manhattan in Bayonne ,

  27. 减减压,分散一下注意力,这种方法曾让我花最少的力气解决了最大的难题。

    Decompress and disconnect . This has helped me solve my biggest problems with the least amount of effort .

  28. 但是,我曾说会花两年的时间来完成的只是直航的议题,但现在我想一年的时间足够了。

    So that requires some time . But , I used to say it will take two years to finish only the direct flight issue ; but now I think one year is enough .

  29. 她曾多么快乐地花了许多时日计划给他买一份礼物啊!

    Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him .

  30. 我曾看到有些公司花了超过一年才将所有适当的治理流程到位。

    I have seen where some companies have spent over a year putting all of the proper governance processes in place .