
  1. 我们想看些过去的生活照,所以珍妮把它们都摆了出来给我们看。

    We wanted to see some old family pictures so Jenny brought them out and showed them to us .

  2. 的确,古丁太太在Instagram上拥有超过3.2万名粉丝,她会把那些美丽生活照上传上去。这些照片大多是在林肯市郊一个令人艳羡的乡村的四居室独立式住宅中拍摄的。

    Indeed , more than 32000 people follow them on Instagram , where Mrs Gooding posts beautiful photos of life in their four-bedroom detached house in a sought-after village near Lincoln .

  3. 不过,当这些客人在iPad上开心地浏览一对新人的生活照时,平板电脑便捷好用的特性立刻征服了他们。在亚洲以外的国家,婚礼上不太可能安排这个环节。但在日本,这么做完全合乎礼仪。

    But the tablet 's intuitive quality wins them over as they begin happily perusing a slide show of images from the betrotheds ' lives -- not something wedding guests might do outside of Asia but which , in Japan , is de rigueur .

  4. 在Instagram上搜索#selfiestick,你看到的不是高空跳伞的照片,而是一般人上传的更高品质的日常生活照。很多情况下,人们使用自拍杆只是想让镜头塞下更多的人。

    A quick Instagram search for \# selfiestick doesn 't return sky-divers and base jumpers , but regular people uploading performance-enhanced selfies of everyday activities . In most cases , the appeal seems to be simply fitting more people into the frame .

  5. 这是奥巴马与外祖父母在一起的生活照。

    This is Obama with his grandparents in daily life together .

  6. 微博上晒的都是自己光鲜亮丽的休闲生活照。

    Her photos on micro-blogging site Weibo show her glamorous and leisurely life .

  7. 如果要送照片,一定要新近自然的生活照。

    If you send a photograph , make sure it 's recent and candid .

  8. 为了隐蔽,他的头像用的是一张生活照。

    In order to cover his head with the one person in daily life .

  9. 我指的是生活照。

    I mean the life photo .

  10. 问对方要一张他/她的近照,最好是生活照,这样更真实。

    Ask for a RECENT picture and encourage the person to send candid shots for more realism .

  11. 勇俊希望以此展示他的日常生活照及挑战他的极限。

    BYJ wants to show his everyday life images and also challenges the limit of his own self .

  12. 又有另一个人问我为什么用这样的“生活照”而不是美化过的照片。

    Another charmer asked me why I used such " life like photos " rather than edited pictures .

  13. 有人问我为什么更喜欢用“生活照”,而不是美化过的照片。

    One charmer asked me why I used such " life like photos " rather than edited pictures .

  14. 这可是给了世界各地玛丽莲?梦露的粉丝一个看到偶像生活照的绝佳的机会啊。

    Here was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give the legions of Marilyn fans worldwide a rarely seen portrait of their idol .

  15. 这是因为家庭养老模式无法使高龄、病残、独居老人的生活照得到很好的照料。

    This is because the family pension mode can make elderly , disabled , elderly people living life as a well cared for .

  16. 有意者请将个人近期生活照连同简历一并发到公司邮箱。

    Please send your resume and latest photo to our company email box , if you are willing to apply for this post .

  17. 20岁的纳塔利娅·古特基维茨没有跟风走“自拍女王”的路线,而是上传略显平凡的日常生活照,并凭此吸粉10.4万。

    Natalia Gutkiewicz , 20 , snubs the " selfie queen " craze and instead uploads somewhat mundane snapshots of her day-to-day life - and has gathered 104000 followers as a result .

  18. 尽管王爱伦在生活照中有那么一张肤色稍微深色点的有那么几分像薇薇安,毕竟还从来没有人对我那样执着过。这不禁让我对斯科特十分嫉妒。

    And though Ellen Wong in one of her photos when she was in a tan looks a little bit like my last girl friend in college , I never get a girl who is that into me .

  19. 弗雷多:如果只是拍一些吃饭或者逛商店的生活照也没什么。但是他们总是偷拍我出城的照片,想逮住我做一些不该做的事。

    Fredo : It would be fine if they just took a few candid shots while I 'm at dinner or at the store , but they try to take photos when I 'm out of town , trying to catch me doing something I shouldn 't.

  20. 这一回,生活没照你要的方式进行。

    Life didn 't go your way for once .

  21. 但他的生活,照他自己看来,作为一种单独的东西,是没有意义的。

    But his life , as he looked at it , had no meaning as a separate life .

  22. 而反过来,用户只能看到他经过精心策划的生活概况:婴儿照、乏味的办公室介绍,偶尔跑一个5K。

    In return , users receive carefully curated snapshots of his life : baby photos , mundane office tours and the occasional 5K .

  23. 从歌手变身时尚设计师的贝嫂,近日在纽约时报风格杂志(T杂志)的采访中一展其迷人个性。她谈到她与大卫的生活,还有她不在生活照中露出笑容的有趣理由。

    The singer-turned-fashion-designer recently showed off her charming personality during an interview by T , The New York Times Style Magazine , where she talked about her life with David and her funny reason for not smiling in candid photos .

  24. 契诃夫主张戏剧应该表现人们的日常生活,但是更重要的是应该表现与这种琐碎平常的生活相对照的人们内心的生活状态。

    Chekhov maintained that the drama should display daily life , but he believed that the more important thing to be displayed should be the inner life compared with daily life .