
  • 网络Biomedical Photonics;Biomedical Photons;biomedical optics
  1. 黄种人皮肤色素性疾病的生物医学光子学研究

    Biomedical Photonics Study on Pigmented Skin Diseases of Yellow Race

  2. 偏振反射光谱在生物医学光子学中的应用

    Application of Polarized Reflectance Spectroscopy in Biomedical Photonics

  3. 光辐射在生物组织体中的传输、分布以及光与生物组织的相互作用是生物医学光子学研究中重要的基础性问题。

    The transmission , distribution of optical radiation in tissue and the interaction of light with biological tissue are important basic issues in biomedical photonics research .

  4. 在生物医学光子学领域,组织内部深层光学信息的获取是促进无创光学技术趋向临床实用的前提条件。

    In the field of Biomedical Photonics , it is necessary to get optical information within tissue in order to improve the application of non-invasive optical technologies .

  5. 本文介绍了目前生物医学光子学领域内引人注目的新技术&扩散光子密度波技术的理论基础、系统及国内外的最新进展。

    The paper introduces the present knowledge of the theory and technology of diffusion photon density wave ( DPDW ) which have been focus of the recent research .

  6. 在生物医学光子学领域,超短激光脉冲的应用越来越广泛和深入,比如使用飞秒激光进行多光子激发荧光在细胞水平成像。

    In the field of biomedical photonics , the application of ultra-short laser pulse is becoming much wider and deeper . For example , femto-second laser is used to stimulate multi-photon fluorescence to image at cell level .

  7. 作为一种非入侵、无损、高分辨率的成像方法,生物医学光子学成像技术近年来发展迅速,成为生命科学领域与光学领域的研究热点。

    With rapid development in recent years , biomedical optical imaging , as a non-invasive , non-destructive and high resolution imaging technique , has become a focus of study in the fields of life science and optics .

  8. 讨论生命科学与信息技术间的交叉研究,并介绍一些研究题目与方向,诸如生物信息学、生物医学光子学、微技术和仿生学等。

    This paper mainly discusses the interdisciplinary research of the life science and information technology , and also describes some research topics and direction , such as bioinformatics , biomedical optics , micro & nanotechmologies , bionics , etc.

  9. 生物组织中的光传输以及生物组织的光学特性是生物医学光子学重要的研究内容,在医学上对疾病的光诊断和光治疗有重要的理论和实际的意义。

    It is important for biomedical photonics and medical diagnosis and therapy to investigate the propagation of light in biological tissue and optical properties of tissue , therefore , the light propagation in tissue and the measurements of optical properties of bio-tissues are studied in this thesis .