
  1. 年度计划草案或者草案初步方案,其中包括预期目标和重要指标、主要政策措施以及重点建设项目投资计划;

    The annual plan draft or the initial scheme of the draft , including desired aims , important targets , major policies and measures and the investment plan for key construction projects ;

  2. 但在马瑟尔布鲁克以南50公里的辛格尔顿(Singleton),许多煤矿扩张项目的投资计划已被搁置,各大公司都在寻求降低成本,当地工会官员也表示就业岗位减少了好几十个。

    But in Singleton , 50km southeast of Muswellbrook , spending on coal mine expansion projects has been put on hold and the big companies are looking to hold down costs with local union officials reporting job losses in the dozens .

  3. 由于客观条件的限制,对建设项目投资的计划和控制、对工程概算进度质量控制、对招投标及采购、投资效益等项目实施全过程缺乏有效的监管。

    Because of limited objective conditions , the effect project supervision was short in the following aspects : investment plan and control , engineering 's time limit and quality control , tender and bidding processes , investment return etc.

  4. 投资策略通过个体项目投资,作为有计划有组织的转变在执行中被实现(在它们流经您的供应链的时候)。

    The investment strategy is realized in implementation as planned organizational transformation through individual project investments ( as they flow through your supply chain ) .