
xiànɡ mù shēn bào
  • project application
  1. 通过对湖北省教育厅科技项目申报管理工作流程的分析,设计并实现了基于FTP和OLE技术的网上申报管理系统。

    Based on the analysis of the procedure of scientific and technological project application and management in the Department of Education of Hubei Province , an online scientific and technological project application and management system based on FTP and OLE technology is designed and realized .

  2. 通用项目申报系统中领域逻辑层的对象模型建立方法

    An Method of the Object Model for General Project Application Information System

  3. 基于Web框架的科技项目申报系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Technological Project On-line Declaration System Based on Web Framework

  4. 基于Access的项目申报应用软件研制

    Development of Application Software based on Access

  5. 基于Web模式的高校科研项目申报评审系统研究

    Research on Applying for Evaluation System of Science Research Programs in Institutions of Higher Learning on Web Mode

  6. 为了验证RBF神经网络应用的可行性,引入目前在评价中应用较广的BP神经网络,并基于该网络建立了项目申报评价模型。

    In order to check the feasibility of the application of RBF Neural Network , the BP Neural Network which is widely applied in the evaluation is chosen to set up the evaluation model of projects declaration . 4 .

  7. 实验结果表明:RBF神经网络应用于科研人员项目申报的评价是可行的,并且在误差精度等方面更具优势,更适合在评价中的应用。

    The results indicate that the application of the RBF Neural Network in the evaluation of research projects declaration is practicable and has the advantage in the error accuracy , so it is more suitable for the evaluation system .

  8. 职业病危害项目申报中存在的问题及对策

    Problems in the Occupational Disease Hazard Program Reports and Relevant Countermeasures

  9. 关于R&D项目申报立项的评价

    Evaluation on the declaration and itemization of r & d items

  10. 科技计划项目申报受理信息分析

    Analysis on information of S & T plan projects declaring and accepting

  11. 地方科学基金项目申报质量控制浅析

    Simple Analysis on Quality Control in Application of Local Foundation of Science

  12. 同行评价在科研项目申报中的可信度研究

    Research on Reliability of Peer Review about Scientific Item Application

  13. 浅谈如何加强科研项目申报工作

    The Idea of How to Enhance Scientific Research Project Application

  14. 系统提供实时、快捷的申报评审服务,提高了科技计划项目申报评审的效率。

    It also increases the efficiency of the project declaration .

  15. 多模式精品课程项目申报系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Applying System for Multi-Mode Excellent Course Items

  16. 专家&申请书分组匹配算法和项目申报管理系统

    Expert-Application Grouping and Matching Algorithm and Projects Application Management System

  17. 神经网络在科研人员项目申报评价中的应用

    The Application of Neural Network in Declaration Evaluation of Projects for Scientific Researchers

  18. 测绘科技项目申报管理信息系统设计与实现

    Designing and Implementation of Management Information System to Submit Surveying and Mapping Projects

  19. 三个模块相互协作,共同完成项目申报工作。

    The three parts cooperate with each other to complete the project application .

  20. 继续医学教育项目申报、执行中应注意的问题

    Several things worth taking notice of in declaring and implementing the Item of CME

  21. 高校科技工作者在项目申报中应注意的几个问题

    A Study on the Problems of the Item Application of the Researcher in the University

  22. 科研管理如何为提高高校科研项目申报质量服务探析

    How Scientific Research Management Serves to Promote the Application Quality of University Scientific Research Projects

  23. 目的了解深圳市罗湖区职业病危害项目申报情况。

    To learn the status of occupational disease hazard program reports in Luohu District of Shenzhen .

  24. 基于工作流和JSP/Servlet技术的网上项目申报与管理系统设计

    Design of Project Application & Management System on Network Based on Workflow and JSP / Servlet Technology

  25. 利用军卫一号平台开发新技术新项目申报评审系统

    Development of application and appraisal system for new technologies and projects based on No.1 Military Medical Project

  26. 北京市大兴区213家企业职业病危害项目申报情况分析

    Analysis on Situation of Reported Occupational Disease Hazards Projects of the 213 Enterprises in Daxing District , Beijing

  27. 本文的研究方法和研究成果也将为其它项目申报管理平台提供一个设计和应用的参照模型。

    The method and results could provide a design and application reference model for other project application management platform .

  28. 支持项目申报、项、量验收,竣工资料归档工作。

    Support the work of project declaring , establishing , quality checking & accepting , completing materials ' filing .

  29. 项目申报管理包括:全部项目的管理和新增项目的管路两个部分。

    The declaring project management included two parts : the management of all projects and the management of new projects .

  30. 项目申报是项目实施的前提和基础,因而做好项目申报工作具有非常重要的作用。

    Project application is the premise and foundation for project implementation , so the project application plays a very important role .