
  1. 应用比较分析方法,揭示了BOC银行云南分行债券承销业务中存在的主要问题,包括客户基础薄弱、专业人才队伍匮乏、风险管理机制不匹配、考核激励机制不到位等。

    By example , a detailed analysis of the BOC Yunnan branch bond underwriting business problems , including the customer base is weak , lack of professional personnel , risk management mechanisms do not match , assessment and incentives are not in place and so on .

  2. 缺乏系统的培训学习体系和有效的考核激励机制等问题,造成人才流失。

    These problems cause heavy loss of qualified personnel .

  3. 整合地恩梯公司的组织结构,进一步完善考核激励机制;

    Perfecting the mechanism of check and initiative ;

  4. 在市南信息公司建立起考核激励机制,设计各种考核的指标和方法。

    The building of assess mechanism is implement by all kinds of merit system guidelines and measures .

  5. 考核激励机制一直是人事部门重要的工作内容。

    The system of assessment and incentives has been one of the central concerns of the personnel office .

  6. 详细说明了项目组织管理模式、人力资源配置、人员分工、考核激励机制以及项目的具体实施计划。

    Detailed describe of the project organization and management , human resources , personnel division , checkup and Stimulation and detailed starting plan of this project .

  7. 三是理顺管理体制,要实行统一管理,合理搭配技术力量,建立考核激励机制。

    Third , the straightening out management manifests must implement the global administration system . Must match the technical force reasonably , establishes the inspection incentive mechanism .

  8. 制定公平、客观的业绩考核激励机制;强化站长培训,提高站长的综合素质和专业技术水平。

    Establishing a fair and objective performance appraisal mechanism , reinforcing the training of the masters , and improving their comprehensive quality and professional skill level are also important .

  9. 近年来我国民办高校发展迅速,作为一种新兴的办学模式,必然要求建立符合其发展的新型考核激励机制。

    To develop fast , the privately-run higher institution in China , as a new form of higher education provider , must construct a system of assessment and incentives that answers the practical needs .

  10. 管理机制方面的原因主要体现在前期缺乏整体科学规划机制、中期缺乏监督指导机制、后期缺乏评价考核激励机制。

    Management reasons mainly reflected in the lack of overall science in the early planning mechanism , medium-term lack of supervision and guidance mechanisms , the lack of evaluation of post-assessment and incentive mechanisms .

  11. 笔者对存在问题、问题成因进行了分析,提出了一些对策和建议:完善社会参与机制、深化条块融合、加强学习培训、完善考核激励机制等。

    The author analyzes the problems and the causes of the problem , and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions : perfecting the social participation mechanism , deepening the fuse , strengthens training , improve the assessment and incentive mechanism .

  12. 固定资产管理体系需加强日常的投资管理、购入管理、调拨管理、出租管理、租赁管理、处置管理外,还需设立强有力的考核激励机制、信息披露机制。

    Fixed assets management system need strengthen the day-to-day investment management , purchase management , allocation management , rent management , lease management and process management . It also needs to establish strong assessment and incentive mechanism , information disclosure mechanism .

  13. 由于管理观念落后,使得对人才的重视不够,同时由于管理方式不科学,使得分配方式单一,缺乏有效的考核激励机制,导致职工工作热情缺乏,积极性低下,很多员工因此离职。

    As management concepts backward , not enough attention on talents , and because management unscientific make a single pattern , lacking of an effective assessment and incentive mechanism , leading employees lack the enthusiasm and motivation to work , therefore many employees leave .

  14. 建立核心人才队伍,完善考核和激励机制。

    Cultivate a core talent contingent and ameliorate checking and incentive mechanism .

  15. 中南局机关人力资源绩效考核与激励机制建设

    Human Resources Performance Assessment and Construction of Stimulation Mechanism of Middle-South Bureau

  16. 实行年薪制,对经营者建立考核、激励机制是促进地质队发展的核心所在。

    Implementing annual salary system and establishing examination and encouragement mechanisms to managers are very important .

  17. 基于合理绩效考核的激励机制是缓解代理问题的有效方法。

    Incentive mechanism based on reasonable performance evaluation is an effective method to alleviate agency problem .

  18. 浅谈员工绩效考核与激励机制

    Staff Test and Motivation

  19. 虽然是基于中药企业进行研究,但对于其他类型行业企业的绩效考核与激励机制也具有一定的参考作用和实际应用价值。

    Though based on study of traditional medicine corporation , it has some referring and practical value towards performance appraisal and motivation of other corporations too .

  20. 还存在项目化管理非标准化、缺乏对知识的管理和积累过程,沟通管理、绩效考核和激励机制管理还有待进一步提高。

    There are non-standardized project management , lack of knowledge management and accumulation processes , communication and management , performance evaluation and incentive mechanisms for the management remains to be further improved .

  21. 国有企业当前激励约束机制的现状决定了,业绩考核是激励机制的根本,信息披露是约束机制的重点。

    The current incentive and constrain mechanism status in SOEs determines that , performance evaluation and information disclosure are fundamental factors when establishing and or reviewing the incentive mechanism and constrain mechanism respectively .

  22. 完善专业技术人员聘任管理制度,形成较为完善的聘任、管理、考核、激励机制,促进技术人员队伍素质的整体提升。

    Improve the professional and technical personnel appointment management system , to form a more perfect appointment , management , assessment , incentives , promotion of technical personnel to enhance the overall quality .

  23. 因此,根据集团公司的管理特点对预算松弛现象进行研究,确定合理的预算基数,建立公平高效的预算考核和激励机制,具有重要的研究意义。

    Therefore , there is important significance to study budgetary slack , determine an accurate budget base and establish a rational budget evaluation and incentive mechanism according to the management features of large group companies .

  24. 本文首先从管理理论的发展谈起,进而论述现代人力资源管理理论的发展历程,对绩效考核及激励机制的理论与实践做了框架性的描述。

    First I discussed the development of management theory , then analyzed the development of modern human resource management theory , at last took up the theory and practice of human resources performance assessment and construction of stimulation mechanism .

  25. 认为矿难形成的公共管理方面的原因是:传统公共管理方式在采矿业管理上存在不足、政府官员考核和激励机制扭曲、责任机制不健全。

    The reasons on public management that caused mine calamity are as following : weak mine management through traditional public management method , the distortion of merit and encouragement system for officials , and the chaos of responsibility mechanism .

  26. 供应商管理作为供应链管理中的重要组成部分,正确选择与评价供应商,建立完善的考核与激励机制,提高对供应商管理的水平,对现代企业的发展就显得尤为重要。

    Supplier management as the important component of the supply chain management , correct selection and evaluation of suppliers , establish and improve the assessment and incentive mechanism , improve the level of supplier management , the development of modern enterprise are particularly important .

  27. 着重阐述汽车制造企业员工知识共享平台在企业文化、知识共享绩效考核和激励机制这三方面的保障。

    Finally , the system is implemented with the prototype method . ( 4 ) The thesis emphasizes to explain how to guarantee the employees ' knowledge sharing in automobile manufacturing enterprises from the perspective of corporation culture , knowledge sharing performance assessment and encouraging mechanism .

  28. 结合天一实业作为校办企业享受国家优惠税收政策的实际情况,提出了对经理层实施模拟股权计划、年薪制及经营管理目标考核的激励机制。

    According to the fact that as a college-attached enterprise , TianYi enjoys the national special revenue from tax policy , the paper also states the motivation mechanism that puts forward to imitating ownership of a share right , the yearly salary system assessing management target .

  29. 人力资源是现代航天科技企业的核心资源,而绩效考核与激励机制作为人力资源管理的重要组成部分,在航天科技企业的日常运作和未来发展中所起到的作用不容忽视。

    Human resource is the core resource of the Aerospace science and technology enterprises . Performance appraisals and personnel incentive mechanisms , which are essential part of the human resource management , play an important role in the operations and development of the Aerospace science and technology enterprises .

  30. R&D团队绩效考核及薪酬激励机制设计

    Design of Performance Evaluation and Motivation Mechanism for R & D Team