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  1. 戴震是乾嘉时期考据学派的集大成者,在清代近三百年学术史上占有重要地位。

    Daizhen epitomized the thought of textual research during the Qianjia Period and took an important status in the academic history in Qin Dynasty .

  2. 在学界一向存在着一种认识偏差,以为清朝18世纪的思想学术界,在旧日的理学派之外,只出了一个考据学派,其余就无足道也。

    There has been an understanding deviation in academic circle that there is only a School of Textual Research except the Neo Confucianism in the Qing dynasty in the 18th century .

  3. 他们在继承和发展中国传统学术方法,特别是历史考据学方面,做出了很大的贡献,形成了中国史学史上具有代表意义的新考据学派。

    An Interpretation on History and History Philosophy within the Field of Vision from the Chinese Traditional Academic They really made great contribution to succeeding and developing Chinese traditional academic approaches , esp.