首页 / 词典 / good


yí tài
  • Manner;deportment;bearing;presence;poise;carriage
仪态 [yí tài]
  • [bearing;deportment;] 姿态;容貌;风度

  • 仪态万方

仪态[yí tài]
  1. 他保持庄重威严的仪态。

    He preserved his grave and dignified bearing .

  2. 贵族的名字、家庭、仪态、生活方式。

    An aristocratic name , family , bearing , life-style .

  3. 他仪态威严,声音低沉,说话有威信。

    He has a commanding presence and deep , authoritative voice

  4. 她依然仪态优雅,不失风度。

    She had not lost her grace and style .

  5. 对妙龄少女来说,仪态身姿和优秀成绩一样重要。

    Deportment and poise were as important as good marks for young ladies .

  6. 芭蕾课可以很好地使人保持优雅的仪态。

    Ballet classes are important for poise and grace .

  7. 他落落大方的仪态令聚会上的每一个人为之倾倒。

    His graciousness charmed everyone at the party .

  8. 他已使自己的趣味爱好和举止仪态变得高雅完美。

    He has refined his taste and manners .

  9. 她仪态大方,庄重而威严,似乎表示出身名门,习惯于上层社会的生活。

    Her manner was easy , dignified , and commanding , and seemed to evince high birth and habits or elevated society .

  10. 她是一位仪态优雅的女孩。

    She is a beautiful girl with the grace and poise .

  11. (通常指女子)身材高大、仪态优雅端庄的

    ( usu of a woman ) tall , graceful and dignified

  12. 她有一张仁慈祥和的面庞以及一副温文尔雅的仪态。

    She had a kind untroubled face and a gentle manner .

  13. 你应该纠正孩子们不良的就餐仪态。

    You should pull up the children about their table manners .

  14. 其他因素是说话人的激情、学识和仪态。

    Other factors were the speakers ' passion , knowledge and presence .

  15. 他严峻的仪态对这个也有帮助。

    His sheer presence also has a lot to do with it .

  16. 那种个子高高、腰背稍弯而雍容华贵的仪态。

    That tall , slightly stooped , and distinguished bearing .

  17. 女王和公众讲话时总是维持着高贵端庄的仪态。

    The Queen always speaks to the public with grace and dignity .

  18. 学究式的言语、仪态、幽默感。

    A donnish remark , manner , sense of humour .

  19. 她表现得仪态从容,看上去真是千娇百媚的。

    She did it with a grace which was fascinating to look upon .

  20. 你永远不会失去你美的仪态。

    Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest .

  21. 他向这位仪态大方的半夏威夷血统的女人优雅地行了礼。

    He nodded graciously to that stately half-Hawaiian lady .

  22. 照镜子,评估一下自己的仪态。

    Look in your mirror and assess your posture .

  23. 艾瑞那小姐的仪态优雅文静。

    Miss arena has a graceful , sedate manner .

  24. 他有一种文静、磊落的社交仪态。

    He had a quiet , tidy social manner .

  25. 少女以前要上仪态课。

    Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment .

  26. 她神情一片孤寂,却心平气和,仪态端庄,深深触动了我。

    Her air of complete loneliness allied with a quiet dignity touched me .

  27. 试论饭店服务人员的仪态美

    A Probing Talk on the Beauty in Manner and Deportment of Hotel Attending Staff

  28. 为什么她如此木然,装出贵夫人的仪态呢?

    Why was she so unconscious and lady-like ?

  29. 美丽是对仪态的自信。

    Beauty is about confidence of bearing .

  30. 他怒气冲冲仪态昂然地离开了。

    He swept out in a fury .