
yí qì wù chā
  • instrumental error
  1. 研究表明:开路系统最大仪器误差通常在8%以上,主要误差源为CO2分析器和流量计;

    The results show that instrumental error in open system is more than 8 % . The main error is owing to CO2 analyzer and flowmeter .

  2. 根据新的仪器误差理论,文章采取与国外高精度测量仪器的误差测量方法相对比的方式,介绍了专用测量仪器的各种主要误差的测定方法及其所能达到的精度;

    According to the new instrumental error theory , compared with error determination techniques used in foreign high accuracy measurment instruments , measurement techniques of all kinds of major errors used in the special measurment instrument and their achievable accuracies are described .

  3. 本文介绍了仪器误差中置信系数C的计算方法及其在不确定度评定中的应用。

    The article introduces a mothed to calculate the confidence coefficient in the range of different instrument errors and its application in uncertainty evaluation .

  4. 该文讨论了叶绿素含量测定中玻璃器皿误差、仪器误差以及采用Arnon公式计算所带来的误差,推导了用4位有效数字表示的Arnon公式。

    Three errors in measuring chlorophyll content , i. e. , glassware error , instrument error and calculation error by Arnon formula were discused in this paper .

  5. 本实验排除DOM浓度变化、药物的降解以及仪器误差的影响。(3)DOM与OFL的相互作用是非线性结合。

    Therefore , change of DOM concentration , drug degradation and error of instruments could be excluded in this current experiment . ( 3 ) The observed nonlinear binding between OFL and DOM was resulted from their real interactions .

  6. 本文系统全面地讨论了GAK-1陀螺经纬仪仪器误差对陀螺定向的误差影响,即仪器制造误差引起的系统误差和仪器校正残差引起的系统误差。

    This paper gives a systematic and thorough discussion on effects of the instrumental errors , i. e. systematic errors involved in instrument manufacture and adjustment of gyro-theodolite GAK-1 on the gyro orientation .

  7. 减少水准仪仪器误差的测量方法

    The detection method to decrease the error of water gauge

  8. 便携式光合作用测定系统仪器误差探析

    Study on the instrumental error of the portable photosynthesis system

  9. 用于仪器误差修正的新型数字微分滤波器;

    A new differentiation filter for instrument correction .

  10. 全面地研究了数字采样计算式功率测量方法的误差模型和仪器误差。

    The model error and instrument error of digital sampling measurement algorithms were investigated comprehensively .

  11. 此外,文章还提供了三台典型仪器误差修正的实例。

    Furthermore , the article provides the examples of error correction on three special instruments .

  12. 工作中的主要创新点1.详细分析了白光干涉法保偏光纤偏振耦合测试仪的仪器误差。

    The instrument error modal of the polarization mode coupling measurement instrument have been analyzed .

  13. 目前大多数方法是采用电子计算机,同时配合一定的校正技术,以减少仪器误差。

    At present most methods employ digital computations and certain correction techniques that minimize instrumental errors .

  14. 仪器误差分析:对各配合面进行研磨等工艺处理,确保机构的稳定性。

    To ensure the stability of the mechanism , I use grinding process for the instrument .

  15. 本文还建立了表面轮廓和分离表面轮廓测量干扰及仪器误差的数学模型。

    The mathematical models of surface profile as well as dividing the instrument error and the measurement interference are established .

  16. 从仪器误差、与目标物体反射面有关的误差和外界环境条件影响三个方面,分析了三维激光扫描系统误差影响。

    Considered the effects in the ways of instrument , reflector and scanning environment , its surveying error is analyzed .

  17. 仪器误差的精确测定和消除对于提高子午环的观测精度有着至关重要的意义。

    Determination and elimination of the instrumental crrors are very important for improvment of the observing precision of the meridian circle .

  18. 比较而言,开路系统的仪器误差较闭路系统大得多,尤其表现在低光合水平下。

    Comparatively , the instrument error of open system is bigger than that of closed system especially under the lower photosynthesis .

  19. 实践证明,本方法不仅可以减弱外界条件引起坐标系变化误差的影响,还可以进一步减弱仪器误差,提高作业效率。

    The practice shows that this method not only may decrease reference frame error caused outside condition but also weaken errors of theodolite and improve efficiency .

  20. 刻度盘的误差,是子午环固有的仪器误差之一,它直接影响了天体赤纬的测定精度。

    Observation of Stars with An Astrolabe And A Meridian Circle The errors of the circle of a meridian circle will immediately affect the precision in determining celestial bodies ' declinations .

  21. 直接有效数字与间接有效数字概念的明确提出,可在不改变有效数字定义与运算规则的前提下,协调有效数字与仪器误差和测量误差的基本关系,维护有效数字理论的完整性和统一性;

    The classification of directly effective numbers and indirectly effective numbers can coordinate the essential relation of effective numbers and errors from instruments and measurement , maintain the completeness and unification of the theory of effective figures .

  22. 为了了解红外气体分析法测定单叶光合速率中常见问题及产生的误差,本研究对光合作用测定系统使用中的仪器误差、观测误差和生物误差进行较为全面的实验和分析。

    To analyze the questions and errors occurred in measuring the leaf Photosynthetic rate using Gas exchange , instrumental error , observation error and biology error in the use of portable photosynthesis system were computed and analyzed .

  23. 误差分析是卫星测高的核心问题之一,本文系统分析了星载雷达高度计中的各误差源,尤其是仪器误差和跟踪误差,并对总的测高误差进行了分配。

    Error analysis is one of the key issues in radar altimetry . various kinds of error sources in altimetry is investigated , especially instrument errors and tracking errors . An error budget is then brought out finally .

  24. 采用计算机仿真分析的方法,全面分析了A/D转换器的量化误差、非线性及微分非线性误差对两种采样方法仪器误差的影响。

    By computer simulation , the instrument errors of the two sampling arithmetic were analyzed completely , which were influenced by the A / D and D / A quantizing , linear and differential linear error . A mixed sampling A. C.

  25. 而产生测量误差的因素很多,本文从仪器误差、人员误差、外界环境的影响三个方面阐述了误差产生原因以及控制方法。

    And there are many factors of causing differences ; this text embodies three parts , including the instrument differences , personal differences and the effect of external surroundings , to expound the causes of differences and the method of control .

  26. 通过捷联惯导仪器误差的分析,发现二次模型对捷联惯导导航参数误差更为敏感,考虑惯导仪器误差后,线性模型的修正效果要优于二次模型。

    After the instrument error of SINS is analyzed , it can be concluded that the quadratic model is more sensible to navigation error , and with instrument error taken into account , the linear model is better than the quadratic model .

  27. 着重分析了仪器误差构成的概率分布规律,并将仪器总误差的评定方式给以分类,提出与推导了仪器总误差的表示方法。

    This treatise gives emphasis to analyze the error probability distribution rule of the instrument , classifies the way of evaluating the sum error of the instrument , puts forward and proves the method of expressing the sum error of the instrument .

  28. 通过间接和直接测量法测量弹簧的等效质量,结果发现二者差值小于仪器误差,这说明了二者是一致的以及文中的处理方法是合理的。

    It is found that difference between values obtained by indirect method of measurement and direct method of measurement is smaller than the intrinsic error of a measuring instrument , this shows that both values are identical and the method in the paper is reasonable .

  29. 分析了视准轴误差、水准尺立尺误差等对观测成果的影响及规律,提出了消除或减弱仪器误差、外界条件影响及观测误差的基本方法,从而有效提高了外业沉降观测精度。

    Collimation errors , stuff setting errors , and its influences and rules on the settlement result were analyzed . Some basic methods such as weakening or eliminating instrumental errors , field condition errors and observation errors were proposed , which will effectively improve the observation precision of field settlement .

  30. 气象仪器测量误差比较的n重制约法

    N fold restricting method for examining function and Mesurement errors of meteorological instruments